Hi Adrian,

We currently only support a single Plugin Repository; however, supporting multiple configured repositories wouldn't be difficult. If you'd like to add the feature I'm sure it wouldn't be hard! Sorry it's not there for you right away, but we have a lot of critical things to work on before we get to this one. I'll be glad to help you if you want to do this!

Is that something you'd be interested in? It shouldn't take very long, maybe a few hours once you are set up and able to build the code on your computer. I have a few ideas for how I'd do this very simply.


On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 6:04 AM, Adrian Gonzalez <adr_gonzalez@yahoo.fr> wrote:

Is there a way to have a private 'Central Plugin Index' to host and search our private plugins ?

For the moment, forge uses https://raw.github.com/forge/plugin-repository/master/repository.yaml.

Can we chain another one (and afterwards manage our own yaml by hand for instance ;) ) ?
If not, can we replace the default yaml URL by a custom one (and afterwards I'll copy the original into the custom one - youch ugly ;) ).

Thanks !

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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"