gatein_portal_trunk_sun6 #1241: Failure
533 tests 0 failure(s) / -74
All tests passed
Changes for Build #1240
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3200 Non-Ascii node names are not routed properly.
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3171 - I18N support for redirect admin portlet
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3203 - fixing comment tags in jsp
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3202 Fix null navigation in public API for request with unknown site
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3206 fixing width problems
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3205 fixing the text size in the modal
Changes for Build #1241
[lponce] GTNPORTAL-3211 replacing icons with rcue
[lponce] GTNPORTAL-3212 - replacing twitter with vimeo
Public URL:
Private URL: