gatein_wsrp_trunk_sun6 #169: Still Failing
430 tests 0 failure(s) / ±0
All tests passed
Changes for Build #159
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNPORTAL-2095: exclude javaparser from chromattic dependency
to (hopefully) build properly on hudson. Should be fixed in upcoming release 1.1.0 of
Changes for Build #160
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Beta07
[chris.laprun(a)] - Oops, version needs to be Beta07-SNAPSHOT
[chris.laprun(a)] - Changed version to Beta07 instead of CR01.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Updated to use 1.1.0 of chromattic and PBR 2.2.0-CR01.
Changes for Build #161
[chris.laprun(a)] - Updated to use gatein-parent 1.1.0-GA, wci 2.1.0-Beta06 and
common 2.0.4-GA
Changes for Build #162
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-247: WSRP admin shouldn't be remotable by default.
Changes for Build #163
[chris.laprun(a)] - Moved AbstractRegistrationPersistenceManager to impl package
where it really belongs.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Renamed getNonregisteredRegistration to
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added isConsumerExisting method on RegistrationManager so that
we can avoid creating a Consumer when we just want to test its existence.
- Updated DefaultRegistrationPolicy to use isConsumerExisting.
Changes for Build #164
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-248: extended use of BaseMapping for more coherence.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Moved implementation of internalCreate methods to
[chris.laprun(a)] - Properly close session in all cases.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Harmonized handling of persistent key on Registration with what
is done in Consumer and ConsumerGroup for better coherence and maintainability.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added missing call to setter of persistence key.
Changes for Build #165
[chris.laprun(a)] - Re-wrote JCRRegistrationPersistenceManager to always hit JCR to
return objects. Might need to implement caching similar to what's been done in
JCRConsumerRegistry at some point.
- Fixed an issue where Registration properties where not properly updated in persistence
due to a bug both in the implementation and Chromattic. :(
- Fixed AbstractRegistrationPersistenceManagerTestCase that wasn't saving changes to
the registration in testBulkUpdateRegistrationProperties. Removed unused
start/stopInteraction methods.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added RegistrationPersistenceManager.isConsumerGroupExisting to
avoid creating a ConsumerGroup when we just want to check its existence.
- Improved error handling and added more test cases.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Improved and fixed JCRRegistrationPersistenceManager.remove
Changes for Build #166
[chris.laprun(a)] - Try to activate consumers when we create them if they are
marked as active
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added test to check getRegistration but running into detached
vs. attached problem...
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added getRegistration(id) method.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added RegistrationMapping.getParent method and use it instead
of hacking the JCR path to retrieve the parent Consumer.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added equals and hashCode implementations.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Extracted constant.
Changes for Build #167
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Beta08
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-251: now return the existing Registration if a consumer
attempts to register with the same set of properties (more forgiving).
[chris.laprun(a)] - Removed now duplicated method from PortletInvoker.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Updated gatein-dep to 1.1.0-GA, WCI to 2.1.0-GA and PC to
- Added documentation to pom.
[chris.laprun(a)] - InMemoryConsumerCache should now properly check if a
ProducerInfo needs to be updated from persistence before being returned.
- Added markAsModifiedNow method on ConsumerCache.
Changes for Build #168
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-251, GTNWSRP-253: Reverted change of behavior since it
would require adding the identity of the consumer to the consumer name to work properly
and thus might not work well with existing data.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-253, GTNWSRP-251: Add consumer id to consumer name to
avoid collisions.
[chris.laprun(a)] - JBEPP-1273, GTNWSRP-254: Use the proper set of registration
properties when saving the configuration.
- JBEPP-1298: Now properly submit form when the registration required for full description
and strict mode checkboxes are clicked.
- Added ProducerBean.isRegistrationPropertiesEmpty method to avoid retrieving the
registration properties when not needed.
[chris.laprun(a)] - Minor optimization.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-252: Consumer gets registered with federating invoker
when the it is created so there's no need to register it again when the id is
Changes for Build #169
[mwringe] PBR-207: updating the behaviour of the WSRPPortletURL so that it will handle a
doubly encoded ampersand as a singly encoded ampersand instead of throwing an error. There
appears to be an issue with how the Sun JSF implementation handles url encoding inside an
html attribute. See PBR-207 for more details.
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[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] GateIn WSRP ....................................... SUCCESS [34.111s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Integration API ....................... SUCCESS [40.169s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP v1 Generated JAX-WS Classes ........... SUCCESS [8.292s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP v2 Generated JAX-WS Classes ........... SUCCESS [3.714s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Test Framework ........................ SUCCESS [6.888s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Common Classes ........................ SUCCESS [18.932s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Producer .............................. SUCCESS [18.161s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP WS Security Integration ............... SUCCESS [0.028s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP WS Security Integration: Base ......... SUCCESS [2:54.900s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Consumer .............................. SUCCESS [33.637s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Admin GUI ............................. SUCCESS [17.846s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Producer WAR .......................... SUCCESS [4:54.169s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Persistence: Hibernate ................ SUCCESS [2.176s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Persistence: JCR ...................... FAILURE [2:35.004s]
[INFO] GateIn WSRP WS Security Integration: JBoss AS 5 ... SKIPPED
[INFO] GateIn WSRP Producer WAR configured for JBoss AS5 Web Service Security SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 13:33.937s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Nov 01 08:19:04 EDT 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 115M/350M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project wsrp-jcr-impl: Could not resolve dependencies
for project org.gatein.wsrp:wsrp-jcr-impl:jar:2.1.0-Beta09-SNAPSHOT: Could not find
artifact in jboss-deprecated
( -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the
following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :wsrp-jcr-impl
Recording test results
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Email was triggered for: Failure
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