gatein_pc_trunk_sun5_tomcat6_jboss5_jboss423 #114: Still Failing
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #109
[julien_viet] move new common to common2
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46:
- gatein common mc not needed anymore
- rename mc -> xb as this is what it is
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : more diet
[julien_viet] damn indentation
[julien_viet] move tomcat specific stuff to tomcat specific build file
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : remove what is not needed
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : make jar usage more mavenish
[julien_viet] no need for that!
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : now generate portal-portlet-test-lib.jar with assembly plugin
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : improve how packaging of war is done
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : Improve build for testsuite / now properly produce maven
artifacts for test war files that are then consumed in tomcat6
Changes for Build #110
[alain_defrance] GTNPC-46
[alain_defrance] GTNPC-46
[alain_defrance] GTNPC-46
Changes for Build #111
[julien_viet] javadoc
[julien_viet] GTNPC-49 : Add methods on PortletInvoker to determine the relationship
between a portlet and an invoker
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : now use "test" phase instead of
"integration-test" phase
[julien_viet] svn ignore for jetty test dir
[julien_viet] now make jetty as part of the default servers
[julien_viet] GTNPC-53 :
[julien_viet] GTNPC-52 : PortletContext setAttribute should throw an IAE when the name
argument is null
[julien_viet] GTNPC-51 : PortletContext getResourcePaths(String s) should return null when
an empty set is returned by the servlet container
[julien_viet] GTNPC-50 : Request dispatching issues with Jetty
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNPC-49: Added isKnown and isExposed methods and relevant
- Improved documentation of PortletInvoker to make intent of getPortlets and getPortlet
methods clearer.
[julien_viet] GTNPC-48 : Configure sessionCookiePath="/" to make the
CrossContextSessionAttributeTestCase pass on Tomcat 7
Changes for Build #112
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNPC-49: Removed isExposed and isKnown methods. Fixed
implementation of ProducerPortletInvoker.getStatus that needs to call to super to make
sure that we don't miss offered portlets.
Changes for Build #113
[julien_viet] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[julien_viet] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.3.0-Alpha01
[julien_viet] revert back to 3.0.1-Alpha01-SNAPSHOT
[julien_viet] fix scm references
[julien_viet] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[julien_viet] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.3.0-Alpha01
Changes for Build #114
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