gatein_portal_master_eap61_bundle_prepare_commit #455: Still Failing
Changes for Build #445
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3488 Do NOT log ERROR for client abort exception
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3482 Deprecated class of UserImpl
Changes for Build #446
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3497 BZ1059036 - Forced flush of JCR changes when creating a
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3485 Add an option to load AMD JavaScript from a CDN
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3487 Add an option to load CSS from a CDN
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3502 Commnon deployer for JavaScript and skin services
[ppalaga] TestParser code formatting
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3501 Introduce XML schema validation for gatein-resources.xml
[ppalaga] JavaScript and skins tests renamed and moved to proper packages
[ppalaga] SkinConfigParser moved from org.exoplatform.portal.resource.config.xml
[ppalaga] Upgrade to gatein_resources_1_5 schema
Changes for Build #447
[ppalaga] Upgrade Portlet Brdge to 3.3.2.Final and WSRP to 2.3.2.Final
Changes for Build #448
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3450: Impossible to upload file in Content Explorer when tmpdir does
not exist
Changes for Build #449
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3500 Remove the unreality testcase in multi-threading
Changes for Build #450
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3486 Redirect to /sso instead of /login when SSO is enabled
Changes for Build #451
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3490 Add missing i18n keys in Services Management gadget (3.7.x)
Changes for Build #452
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3508: Imported applications are public by default
Changes for Build #453
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3507: Update test case from PLIDM-46 to gatein-portal code base
Changes for Build #454
Changes for Build #455
[trongtt] Revert "GTNPORTAL-3507: Update test case from PLIDM-46 to gatein-portal
code base"
[trongtt] Picketlink IDM upgrade to 1.4.5.Final . Minor changes in some comments