gatein_portal_trunk_sun6 #423: Failure
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #423
[julien_viet] remove hardcodes in XSLT
[julien_viet] minor remove commented list of legacy jars
[hangnguyen] TestVN-356:Clean and Improve existing Selenium for GateIn
[julien_viet] GTNPORTAL-1591 : Maven packaging for tomcat
[aheritier] GTNPORTAL-1591 : Add profile named bundle to generate the zip and attach it to
the build + remove default tomcat webapps + Add ROOT webapp to automatically redirect to
[julien_viet] minor
[julien_viet] GTNPORTAL-1591 : port enforcer plugin for enforcing paths
[julien_viet] bye bye assembly plugin
[julien_viet] GTNPORTAL-1591 : replace assembly with ant
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