gatein_portal_master_jbossas7_bundle_prepare_commit - Build # 153 - Failure!
gatein_portal_master_jbossas7_bundle_prepare_commit #153: Failure
Changes for Build #153
[nscavell] GTNPORTAL-2765 Responsive login page implementation
[nscavell] GTNPORTAL-2843 Responsive community portlet
[nscavell] GTNPORTAL-2758: add portal property to allow for the configuration of the shared layout per site. The current options are either to display the shared layout for all users (default) or only admins. Remove hack in the mobile skin make the sharedlayout not displayed when on the mobile site.
[nscavell] GTNPORTAL-1758 Patch Tomcat 7 default context.xml
[nscavell] GTNPORTAL-2861 Upgrade Tomcat to latest version 7.0.37
11 years, 10 months