gatein_portal_master_bundles_prepare_daily - Build # 632 - Failure!
gatein_portal_master_bundles_prepare_daily #632: Failure
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #622
Changes for Build #623
Changes for Build #624
[nttuyen_it] GTNPORTAL-3557 Error while handling request: PortalRequestHandler
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3556 Should not log ClientAbortException when user cancel request
Changes for Build #625
[phuong_vu] GTNPORTAL-3558 OrganizationService request lifecycle is not called properly
Changes for Build #626
Changes for Build #627
Changes for Build #628
Changes for Build #629
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-2838 User's search box take so long time to display
Changes for Build #630
Changes for Build #631
Changes for Build #632
10 years
gatein_portal_master_unit_tests_commit - Build # 154 - Failure!
gatein_portal_master_unit_tests_commit #154: Failure
Changes for Build #143
[phuong_vu] GTNPORTAL-3520 Potential dupication of UI component's id when edit layout
Changes for Build #144
[phuong_vu] GTNPORTAL-3521 Use the same title for select permission popup window
Changes for Build #145
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3518: Use a variable to enable the sequence
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3519 BZ1117813 Unique name for category's createContent
Changes for Build #146
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3523 Default value of property
Changes for Build #147
Changes for Build #148
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3527 Node.displayNames contains #{key} in rest API
Changes for Build #149
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3526 Upgrade to use JCR 1.16.1-GA
Changes for Build #150
Changes for Build #151
Changes for Build #152
[ppalaga] Upgrade to WSRP 2.3.3.Final
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3525 Fix JTA issue by wrapping OrganizationService lifecycle call in FilterDisabledLoginModule
Changes for Build #153
Changes for Build #154
10 years, 1 month
gatein_portal_master_bundles_prepare_daily - Build # 570 - Still Failing!
gatein_portal_master_bundles_prepare_daily #570: Still Failing
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #560
Changes for Build #561
Changes for Build #562
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3527 Node.displayNames contains #{key} in rest API
Changes for Build #563
Changes for Build #564
Changes for Build #565
Changes for Build #566
[trongtt] GTNPORTAL-3526 Upgrade to use JCR 1.16.1-GA
Changes for Build #567
Changes for Build #568
[ppalaga] Upgrade to WSRP 2.3.3.Final
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3525 Fix JTA issue by wrapping OrganizationService lifecycle call in FilterDisabledLoginModule
Changes for Build #570
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3532 Typo in portlet access permissions - "setted" instead of
10 years, 2 months