gatein_portal_master_eap61_perf_bundle_prepare_commit #257: Still Failing
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #247
[mgottval] download jcr zip - wget
Changes for Build #248
Changes for Build #249
Changes for Build #250
[tkyjovsk] documentation
[tkyjovsk] set default datasources for perf bundle back to epp6perf1
Changes for Build #251
Changes for Build #252
[mgottval] JCR build version - rename/add repository into pom
[mgottval] JCR build version - settings.xml path
[mgottval] JCR build version - settings.xml path/mvn install directory
Changes for Build #253
Changes for Build #254
Changes for Build #255
Changes for Build #256
[tkyjovsk] gatein.modules.root changed to /modules/system/layers/gatein
Changes for Build #257