gatein_wci_trunk_sun6_tomcat6_jboss5_jboss6_jboss423 #74: Still Failing
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #65
Changes for Build #69
Changes for Build #70
[mwringe] Update the version of the Cargo Jetty deployer. The Jetty tests should now be
[mwringe] Update the version of the Cargo Jetty deployer. The Jetty tests should now be
Changes for Build #71
[bdaw] - uncomment jetty tests after release
[bdaw] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[bdaw] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Beta03
[bdaw] - Update gatein commons and dep to newest version
- Add servlet and httpclient test deps removed from gatein commons
- Comment out failing jetty tests before release
Changes for Build #72
[chris.laprun(a)] - Fixed improper version number in parent references.
Changes for Build #73
[bdaw] -uncomment jetty tests
[bdaw] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[bdaw] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Beta04
[bdaw] - fix the build
- comment out jetty tests
Changes for Build #74
[mwringe] GTNWCI-25: synchronize the test and the retrieval of the test ResponseContext
object. This will force the tests to be completed before the jboss unit client can
retrieve the test response.
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