gatein_portal_master_eap61_bundle_prepare_commit #417: Still Failing
Changes for Build #414
[ppalaga] Upgrade gatein-dep to 1.4.0.Final
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3428 Unify CDATA uses
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3429 Minor fixes for menu.js
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3430 Missing icons on Permissions tab
[ppalaga] BZ1043858 Compose API - Added possibility for consumers to compose pages
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-2428 Create navigation node pointing on external URI
[ppalaga] Upgrade gatein-api to version 1.1.0.Final
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3432 - Replaced all JBoss-related profiles with eap630.
Changes for Build #415
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3433 Update HomePage background with correct GateIn 3.8
[ppalaga] GateIn using layered modules, instead of add-on
Changes for Build #416
Changes for Build #417
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3431 Missing applications icons
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3436 Fix for URL '&' in Gadgets
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3438 Review W3C markup for Gadgets
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3439 Review W3C markup for Page Wizard
[ppalaga] Upgrade to RequireJS 2.1.11
[ppalaga] Remove trailing whitespace in eXo.js
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3396 Support all possible js module dependency names in
[ppalaga] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 3.8.0.Beta01
[ppalaga] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration