Thu May 30 19:12:53 EDT 2013 - Failing node perf15 Thu May 30 19:13:16 EDT 2013 - TEST RESULT: FailoverTestResult [ testName=portletMinimize, testInputAttributes={portletMessage=Hello !! This is the Portlet that is being used for load testing., portletTitle=NullPortlet}, runnerId=0, testResult=FAILED, errorMessage=HTTP response contains portletMessage: Hello !! This is the Portlet that is being used for load testing. but it should not be here. ] Thu May 30 19:13:16 EDT 2013 - Bringing back node perf15 Thu May 30 19:14:51 EDT 2013 - Failing node perf11 Thu May 30 19:15:15 EDT 2013 - TEST RESULT: FailoverTestResult [ testName=portletPublicRenderParameter, testInputAttributes={portletMessage2=Value of parameter 'someParam' is: someValue, portletMessage1=Enter some value for parameter 'someParam', portletTitle=ActionPortlet}, runnerId=0, testResult=FAILED, errorMessage=HTTP response does not contain portletMessage2: Value of parameter 'someParam' is: someValue ] Thu May 30 19:15:15 EDT 2013 - Bringing back node perf11 Thu May 30 19:16:41 EDT 2013 - Failing node perf15 Thu May 30 19:17:04 EDT 2013 - TEST RESULT: FailoverTestResult [ testName=portletEvent, testInputAttributes={portletMessage2=Value of portlet session attribute set by event 'someEvent' is: someValue, portletMessage1=Enter some value for parameter 'someParam', portletTitle=ActionPortlet}, runnerId=0, testResult=PASSED ] Thu May 30 19:17:04 EDT 2013 - Bringing back node perf15 Thu May 30 19:18:32 EDT 2013 - Failing node perf11 ------------------------------------------------- TOTAL TESTS: 3, PASSED TESTS: 1, FAILED TESTS: 2