gatein_portal_trunk_sun6 #270: Fixed
345 tests 0 failure(s) / -1
All tests passed
Changes for Build #270
[thanh_tung_do] GTNPORTAL-1214: Display exception message if membership was deleted
[hoang_to] GTNPORTAL-1174: Edit permission on PortalConfig of new group is not properly
[phuong_vu] GTNPORTAL-1233 fix properties file to display special character correctly
[thanh_tung_do] GTNPORTAL-1263: add width and height elements at schema
[ndkhoiits] GTNPORTAL-1269 Check permission in server side when user invoke an action by
[hoang_to] GTNPORTAL-1280: Need to check template availability before remove
[hangnguyen] Update test case for GateIn_v3.1.0 GA
[hangnguyen] TESTVN-399: Create new GateIn Selenium Scrips
[trong.tran] GTNPORTAL-1287 Remove the hardcode that only allow
manager:/platform/administrators to add new page to Portal's navigation
[trong.tran] Update tests failed
[thanh_tung_do] GTNPORTAL-1218: don't link membership if membership type is null
[hoang_to] GTNPORTAL-1303: For system nodes: do not allow to change the visibility
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