gatein_portal_master_eap61_perf_bundle_prepare_commit #226: Still Failing
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #217
Changes for Build #218
[vramik] added property jbossas.startup.timeout
Changes for Build #219
Changes for Build #220
Changes for Build #221
Changes for Build #222
Changes for Build #223
Changes for Build #224
[mcupak] configured domain mode tests to set up the demo configuration
[mcupak] set auxiliary filesto be ignored by git
Changes for Build #225
Changes for Build #226
[mcupak] added scripts for jboss cli
[mcupak] added more quickstarts to CLI scripts
[pskopek] fixed output of command line statement for ldapadd
[pskopek] Adding continuous mode of operation to ldapadd macro.
[pskopek] Changing failonerror to false for ldapadd macro.