gatein_wsrp_trunk_sun5 #188: Still Failing
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #178
[mwringe] GTNWSRP-123: Update name of configuration file for wsrp-integration.xml
[mwringe] GTNWSRP-123: Update wss work. Allow for option in wsrp-admin to enable or
disable wss on consumer side. Remove xml handler configuration files for the consumer and
dynamically add them in the java code. Update to use JBWS wsse configuration files.
[mwringe] GTNWSRP-123: Update wss work. Allow for option in wsrp-admin to enable or
disable wss on consumer side. Remove xml handler configuration files for the consumer and
dynamically add them in the java code. Update to use JBWS wsse configuration files.
[mwringe] GTNWSRP-123: Update wss work. Allow for option in wsrp-admin to enable or
disable wss on consumer side. Remove xml handler configuration files for the consumer and
dynamically add them in the java code. Update to use JBWS wsse configuration files.
Changes for Build #179
[mwringe] GTNWSRP-123: remove default wss configuration options, configuration and
securing the soap messages should be responsibility of the admin.
Changes for Build #180
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Alpha01
[chris.laprun(a)] - Use length() == 0 instead of isEmpty() so that I can release
with the current parent.
Changes for Build #181
[thomas.heute(a)] GTNWSRP-206: Update Maven dependencies
Changes for Build #182
[thomas.heute(a)] GTNWSRP-206: Update Maven dependencies
Removed repository definitions
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-206: Updated to WCI 2.1.0-Beta01, fixed incorrect
assembly for test-producer that was making the tests fail.
- GTNWSRP-207: Removed duplicated dependency in wsrp-producer-war POM.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-207: Introduced intermediary POM for wss-security
module so that Maven 3 will work properly.
- GTNWSRP-206: Temporarily reverted to WCI 2.0.2-GA to have a stable build.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-206: Updated to Chromattic 1.0.6.
- Fixed MimeResponseHandler.MarkupProcessor for API change in common 2.0.4-Beta01.
Changes for Build #183
[chris.laprun(a)] - Added comment to remember to remove when GTNWSRP-90 is fixed.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-210: Made JAX-WS-related dependencies provided.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-210: Removed dependency on JBoss common. Added explicit
dependencies that were previously gotten from GateIn common. Use provided scope whenever
Changes for Build #184
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-210: more cleaning up.
- Minor cosmetic change in names of modules.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-90: Upgraded to Common 2.0.4-Beta02.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-211: fixed improper implementation of
RegistrationUtils.validateConsumerAgent and added test case.
Changes for Build #185
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-213, JBEPP-857: make sure that strict mode is properly
restored at startup.
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[chris.laprun(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Alpha02
Changes for Build #186
[theute] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[theute] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.1.0-Beta01
[theute] GTNWSRP-215: Upgrade Chomattic to 1.0.8
Changes for Build #187
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-218: Added dependency on JBoss EL engine and force its
use in the admin portlet.
Changes for Build #188
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-214: Do not swallow exceptions in the registration
persistence code.
- Fixed error reporting and improper messages (do NOT forget to properly escape
single-quotes in properties files >_<).
[chris.laprun(a)] - Really move the test to the proper package!
[chris.laprun(a)] - Moved tests to proper directories.
[chris.laprun(a)] - GTNWSRP-218: Reverted changes for AS 6 since they don't
work on AS 5.
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