gatein_pc_trunk_sun5_tomcat6_jboss5_jboss423 #109: Still Failing
196 tests 0 failure(s) / ±0
All tests passed
Changes for Build #107
[julien_viet] GTNPC-45 : Remove JBoss MC usage from pc test suite execution
[julien_viet] svn ignore on build files
[julien_viet] update pom to correct version 2.3.0-Alpha01-SNAPSHOT
[julien_viet] promote work branch as new trunk
[alain_defrance] use wci-2.1.0-Alpha02
[alain_defrance] Some details
[alain_defrance] fix jboss4.2 deployment with cargo
[alain_defrance] cargo manager refactoring
[alain_defrance] replace
org.jvnet.maven-antrun-extended-plugin:maven-antrun-extended-plugin by
[alain_defrance] Tomcat 7 integration tests ok
[alain_defrance] JBoss as 5.1 integration tests ok + test-apps location changed.
[alain_defrance] Add cargo.debug profile management
[alain_defrance] remove unused files
[alain_defrance] integration tests refactoring with maven profile management part 2
[alain_defrance] integration tests refactoring with maven profile management
[alain_defrance] Jetty integration test run
Tomcat7 preparation
[alain_defrance] Change wci & cargo version
[alain_defrance] Creating pc branche for wci integration
Changes for Build #108
[julien_viet] GTNPC-45 : remove unnecessary dependencies
[julien_viet] GTNPC-45 : remove unecessary dependencies
[julien_viet] GTNPC-45 : emove JBoss MC usage from pc test suite execution
Changes for Build #109
[julien_viet] move new common to common2
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46:
- gatein common mc not needed anymore
- rename mc -> xb as this is what it is
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : more diet
[julien_viet] damn indentation
[julien_viet] move tomcat specific stuff to tomcat specific build file
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : remove what is not needed
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : make jar usage more mavenish
[julien_viet] no need for that!
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : now generate portal-portlet-test-lib.jar with assembly plugin
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : improve how packaging of war is done
[julien_viet] GTNPC-46 : Improve build for testsuite / now properly produce maven
artifacts for test war files that are then consumed in tomcat6
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