gatein_wci_trunk_sun6_tomcat6_jboss5_jboss6_jboss423 #62: Still Failing
No tests ran.
No tests ran.
Changes for Build #57
[thomas.heute(a)] I guess this wasn't intentional
Changes for Build #58
[mstruk] GTNPORTAL-1706 session cleanup after logout
Changes for Build #59
[thomas.heute(a)] GTNWCI-24: Update Maven dependencies
Changes for Build #60
[thomas.heute(a)] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Changes for Build #61
[mstruk] GTNPORTAL-1706 session cleanup after logout
- Added Jetty6 implementation
- Added a test case
Changes for Build #62
[mwringe] GTNPORTAL-1845: allow the credentials to be always available in the session.
This way we can use the http session to retrieve the actual username and password.
Public URL:
Private URL: