gatein_portal_master_eap61_bundle_prepare_commit #283: Failure
Changes for Build #283
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3171 i18n of missing value
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3242 fixing input width
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3238
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3182 - Portal 'overriding' maximization of a window in case
multiple portlets on the page receive any event but only one of them changes the portlet
window mode
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3156 NullPointerException when rendering portlet in method
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3237: Fixed node mapping listing for Redirect Node @ Node Mapping
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3239: Fixing overlapping alerts causing
<undefined><undefined> alerts. Also improving node mapping word wrap.
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3232: add the wsrp extension jars as dependencies to the portal.war so
that they are visible to the consumer.
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3240: increase spacing between the mobile features images.
[ppalaga] GTNPORTAL-3241: add tabindex to the skip content anchor. Prevents focus issues
in IE and other browsers.