gatein_portal_trunk_sun6 #552: Fixed
380 tests 0 failure(s) / ±0
All tests passed
Changes for Build #549
[theute] GTNPORTAL-1182: Wrong merging javascript
Changes for Build #550
[theute] GTNPORTAL-1830: Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities in user forms
[theute] GTNPORTAL-1858: XSS issue in dashboard new page creation
[theute] GTNPORTAL-1858: XSS issue in dashboard new page creation
[tkobayas(a)] GTNPORTAL-1856 Fix for some mistranslations in
Changes for Build #551
[mstruk] GTNPORTAL-1812 Packaging that supports JBossAS6 and does away with javascript
- changed jboss-as6 packaging so that shared gatein libs are placed in
default/deploy/gatein.ear/lib again, and not in default/lib
[mstruk] GTNPORTAL-1812 Packaging that supports JBossAS6 and does away with javascript
- replaced wci-tomcat with wci-jboss6 for jboss-as6 packaging
[theute] GTNPORTAL-1648: Error in Xml definition in gatein_objects_1_0 / visibility
options do not include the default : VISIBLE value
[theute] GTNPORTAL-1648: Error in Xml definition in gatein_objects_1_0 / visibility
options do not include the default : VISIBLE value
Changes for Build #552
[tkobayas(a)] GTNPORTAL-1823 Fail to create one page when creating two new pages
at the same time. -- This fix only addresses navigation overwriting.
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