Author: smumford
Date: 2012-01-09 18:43:14 -0500 (Mon, 09 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 8289
Version increment and spellcheck edit
Modified: epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/Book_Info.xml
--- epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/Book_Info.xml 2012-01-09 20:09:39 UTC (rev
+++ epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/Book_Info.xml 2012-01-09 23:43:14 UTC (rev
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
<bookinfo id="book-Reference_Guide-Reference_Guide">
<title>Reference Guide</title>
- <subtitle>An in-depth guide to Enterprise Portal Platform
+ <subtitle>An in-depth guide to Enterprise Portal Platform
<productname>JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform</productname>
- <edition>5.2.0</edition>
- <pubsnumber>100</pubsnumber>
+ <edition>5.2.1</edition>
+ <pubsnumber>5</pubsnumber>
This Reference Guide is a high-level usage document. It deals with more
advanced topics than the Installation and User Guides, adding new content or taking
concepts discussed in the earlier documents further. It aims to provide supporting
documentation for advanced users of the JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform product. Its
primary focus is on advanced use of the product and it assumes an intermediate or advanced
knowledge of the technology and terms.
Modified: epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/Revision_History.xml
--- epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/Revision_History.xml 2012-01-09 20:09:39
UTC (rev 8288)
+++ epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/Revision_History.xml 2012-01-09 23:43:14
UTC (rev 8289)
@@ -8,6 +8,20 @@
+ <revnumber>5.2.1-5</revnumber>
+ <date>Mon Jan 09 2012</date>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Scott</firstname>
+ <surname>Mumford</surname>
+ <email></email>
+ </author>
+ <revdescription>
+ <simplelist>
+ <member>Added new content to Authentication and
+ </simplelist>
+ </revdescription>
+ </revision>
+ <revision>
<date>Wed Dec 14 2011</date>
epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/AuthenticationAuthorizationOverview.xml 2012-01-09
20:09:39 UTC (rev 8288)
epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/AuthenticationAuthorizationOverview.xml 2012-01-09
23:43:14 UTC (rev 8289)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
This means that access to some URLs (such as <ulink type="http"
will directly trigger J2EE authentication in the case that the user is not already logged
- Access to this URL also means that the user needs to be in the JAAS group
<emphasis>users</emphasis>, otherwise they can authenticate but will recieve
an HTTP error; <emphasis>403 Forbidden</emphasis>, for example.
+ Access to this URL also means that the user needs to be in the JAAS group
<emphasis>users</emphasis>, otherwise they can authenticate but will receive
an HTTP error; <emphasis>403 Forbidden</emphasis>, for example.
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
- This login module is actually used mainly in cluster
environments. It uses session replication between cluster nodes. After a successful
authentication on cluster <emphasis>node1</emphasis> the
<emphasis>commit</emphasis> method adds a flag (with the attribute
<emphasis>AUTHENTICATED_CREDENTIALS</emphasis>) to the HTTP session and this
flag can then be used to reauthenticate on <emphasis>node2</emphasis> when it
executes method <emphasis>login</emphasis>. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Authentication_Authorization_Intro-ClusterLogin" /> for more
+ This login module is actually used mainly in cluster
environments. It uses session replication between cluster nodes. After a successful
authentication on cluster <emphasis>node1</emphasis> the
<emphasis>commit</emphasis> method adds a flag (with the attribute
<emphasis>AUTHENTICATED_CREDENTIALS</emphasis>) to the HTTP session and this
flag can then be used to re-authenticate on <emphasis>node2</emphasis> when it
executes method <emphasis>login</emphasis>. Refer to <xref
linkend="sect-Authentication_Authorization_Intro-ClusterLogin" /> for more
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
<title>Authentication on application server level</title>
- Application server needs to properly recognize that user is successfuly
logged and it has assigned his JAAS roles. Unfortunately this part is not standardized and
is specific for each AS. For example in JBoss AS, you need to ensure that JAAS Subject has
assigned principal with username (UserPrincipal) and also RolesPrincipal, which has name
"Roles" and it contains list of JAAS roles. This part is actually done in
<code>JbossLoginModule.commit()</code>. In Tomcat, this flow is little
different, which means Tomcat has it is own
+ Application server needs to properly recognize that user is
successfully logged and it has assigned his JAAS roles. Unfortunately this part is not
standardized and is specific for each AS. For example in JBoss AS, you need to ensure that
JAAS Subject has assigned principal with username (UserPrincipal) and also RolesPrincipal,
which has name "Roles" and it contains list of JAAS roles. This part is actually
done in <code>JbossLoginModule.commit()</code>. In Tomcat, this flow is little
different, which means Tomcat has it is own
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
- Method <emphasis>createIdentity</emphasis> is used to create
instance of object
<emphasis></emphasis>, which
encapsulates all important informations about single user like:
+ Method <emphasis>createIdentity</emphasis> is used to create
instance of object
<emphasis></emphasis>, which
encapsulates all important information about single user like:
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
- set of Memberships (MembershipEntry objects) which user belongs to.
<emphasis>Membership</emphasis> is object, which contains informations about
<emphasis>membershipType</emphasis> (manager, member, validator, ... ) and
about <emphasis>group</emphasis> (/platform/users, /platform/administrators,
/partners, /organization/management/executiveBoard, ... ).
+ set of Memberships (MembershipEntry objects) which user belongs to.
<emphasis>Membership</emphasis> is object, which contains information about
<emphasis>membershipType</emphasis> (manager, member, validator, ... ) and
about <emphasis>group</emphasis> (/platform/users, /platform/administrators,
/partners, /organization/management/executiveBoard, ... ).
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
- Default implementation
<emphasis>DefaultRolesExtractorImpl</emphasis> is based on special algorithm,
which uses name of role from the root of the group (for example for role
"/organization/management/something" we have JAAS role
"organization"). Only exception is group "platform" where we use 2nd
level as name of group. For example from group "/platform/users" we have JAAS
role "users".
+ Default implementation
<emphasis>DefaultRolesExtractorImpl</emphasis> is based on special algorithm,
which uses name of role from the root of the group (for example for role
"/organization/management/something" we have JAAS role
"organization"). Only exception is group "platform" where we use
second level as name of group. For example from group "/platform/users" we have
JAAS role "users".
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
- You can override default implementation of mentioned interfaces
Authenticator and RolesExtractor if default behaviour is not suitable for your needs.
Consult documentation of <emphasis>eXo kernel</emphasis> for more info.
+ You can override default implementation of mentioned interfaces
Authenticator and RolesExtractor if default behavior is not suitable for your needs.
Consult documentation of <emphasis>eXo kernel</emphasis> for more info.
<!-- Ending section Authenticator and RolesExtractor -->
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
<title>RememberMe authentication</title>
- In default login dialog, you can notice that there is "Remember my
login" checkbox, which users can use to persist their login on his workstation.
Default validity period of RememberMe cookie is one day (it is configurable), and so user
can be logged for whole day before he need to reauthenticate again with his credentials.
+ In default login dialog, you can notice that there is "Remember my
login" checkbox, which users can use to persist their login on his workstation.
Default validity period of RememberMe cookie is one day (it is configurable), and so user
can be logged for whole day before he need to re-authenticate again with his credentials.
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@
- Request is processed by PortalLoginController servlet. Servlet
obtains instance of <emphasis>RemindPasswordTokenService</emphasis> and save
user credentials into JCR. It generates and returns special token (key) for later use.
Then it creates cookie called <emphasis>rememberme</emphasis> and use returned
token as value of cookie.
+ Request is processed by PortalLoginController servlet. Servlet
obtains instance of <emphasis>RemindPasswordTokenService</emphasis> and save
user credentials into JCR. It generates and returns special token (key) for later use.
Then it creates cookie called <emphasis>RememberMe</emphasis> and use returned
token as value of cookie.
@@ -492,19 +492,19 @@
- After some time, user wants to reauthenticate. Let's assume
that his HTTP Session is already expired but his RememberMe cookie is still active.
+ After some time, user wants to re-authenticate. Let's assume
that his HTTP Session is already expired but his RememberMe cookie is still active.
- User send HTTP request to some portal page (ie.
<filename>http://localhost:8080/portal/classic</filename> ).
+ User send HTTP request to some portal page
(<filename>http://localhost:8080/portal/classic</filename> ).
- There is special HTTP Filter <emphasis
role="bold">RememberMeFilter</emphasis> configured in web.xml, which
checks rememberme cookie and then it retrieves credentials of user from
RemindPasswordTokenService. Now filter redirects request to PortalLoginController and
authentication process goes in same way as for normal FORM based authentication.
+ There is special HTTP Filter <emphasis
role="bold">RememberMeFilter</emphasis> configured in web.xml, which
checks RememberMe cookie and then it retrieves credentials of user from
RemindPasswordTokenService. Now filter redirects request to PortalLoginController and
authentication process goes in same way as for normal FORM based authentication.
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
- In this case user will see login dialog from browser instead of JBoss
Enterprise Portal Platform login.jsp page. JAAS authentication will be performed with real
credentials of user (ie.
<emphasis>root</emphasis>/<emphasis>gtn</emphasis>). WCI ticket is
not used with BASIC authentication.
+ In this case user will see login dialog from browser instead of JBoss
Enterprise Portal Platform login.jsp page. JAAS authentication will be performed with real
credentials of user
(<emphasis>root</emphasis>/<emphasis>gtn</emphasis>). WCI ticket
is not used with BASIC authentication.
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
- In other words, you need to ensure that users, which are logged
successfuly through SSO, needs to be also in JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform identity
database because SSO server is used only for authentication, but authorization is handled
completely by JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform, which assumes that user exists in portal
DB. If users are not in DB, Identity object won't be created and you will have 403
Forbidden errors even if you authenticate successfuly. For details about SSO integration,
see <xref linkend="sect-Reference_Guide-SSO_Single_Sign_On" />.
+ In other words, you need to ensure that users, which are logged
successfully through SSO, needs to be also in JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform identity
database because SSO server is used only for authentication, but authorization is handled
completely by JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform, which assumes that user exists in portal
DB. If users are not in DB, Identity object won't be created and you will have 403
Forbidden errors even if you authenticate successfully. For details about SSO integration,
see <xref linkend="sect-Reference_Guide-SSO_Single_Sign_On" />.
@@ -660,11 +660,11 @@
- This actually means that our user needs to be in JBoss Enterprise Portal
Platform role <emphasis>/platform/users</emphasis> (For details see <xref
/>). In other words, if we successfuly authenticate but our user is not in group
<emphasis>/platform/users</emphasis>, then it means that he is not in JAAS
role <emphasis>users</emphasis>, which in next turn means that he will have
authorization error <emphasis role="bold">403 Forbidden</emphasis>
thrown by servlet container.
+ This actually means that our user needs to be in JBoss Enterprise Portal
Platform role <emphasis>/platform/users</emphasis> (For details see <xref
/>). In other words, if we successfully authenticate but our user is not in group
<emphasis>/platform/users</emphasis>, then it means that he is not in JAAS
role <emphasis>users</emphasis>, which in next turn means that he will have
authorization error <emphasis role="bold">403 Forbidden</emphasis>
thrown by servlet container.
- You can change the behaviour and possibly add some more
<emphasis>auth-constraint</emphasis> elements into
<filename>web.xml</filename>. However this protection of resources based on
web.xml is not standard JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform way and it is mentioned here
mainly for illustration purposes.
+ You can change the behavior and possibly add some more
<emphasis>auth-constraint</emphasis> elements into
<filename>web.xml</filename>. However this protection of resources based on
web.xml is not standard JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform way and it is mentioned here
mainly for illustration purposes.
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@
<title>Portal level authorization</title>
- Second round of authorization is based on component <emphasis
role="bold">UserACL</emphasis> (See <xref
linkend="chap-Reference_Guide-Portal_Default_Permission_Configuration" />).
We can declare access and edit permissions for portals, pages and/or portlets. UserACL is
then used to check if our user has particular permissions to access or edit specified
resource. Important object with informations about roles of our user is mentioned
<emphasis>Identity</emphasis> object created during JAAS authentication.
+ Second round of authorization is based on component <emphasis
role="bold">UserACL</emphasis> (See <xref
linkend="chap-Reference_Guide-Portal_Default_Permission_Configuration" />).
We can declare access and edit permissions for portals, pages and/or portlets. UserACL is
then used to check if our user has particular permissions to access or edit specified
resource. Important object with information about roles of our user is mentioned
<emphasis>Identity</emphasis> object created during JAAS authentication.
epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/PortalDevelopment/XMLResourceBundles.xml 2012-01-09
20:09:39 UTC (rev 8288)
epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/PortalDevelopment/XMLResourceBundles.xml 2012-01-09
23:43:14 UTC (rev 8289)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- The XML format declares the encoding of the file. This avoids use of the
<literal>native2ascii</literal> program which can interfere with encoding.
+ The XML format declares the encoding of the file. This avoids use of the
<literal>native2ASCII</literal> program which can interfere with encoding.
Modified: epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/eXoJCR/faq/jcr-faq.xml
--- epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/eXoJCR/faq/jcr-faq.xml 2012-01-09
20:09:39 UTC (rev 8288)
+++ epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/eXoJCR/faq/jcr-faq.xml 2012-01-09
23:43:14 UTC (rev 8289)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
JCR Observation's a way to listen on persistence changes of a
Repository. It provides several options to configure the listener for an interesting only
changes. To use properly, it's important to understand concept of events filtering for
a registered EventListener.
- An often confusing part is the <emphasis
role="bold">absPath</emphasis>, it is an associated parent of a
location you want to observe events on. That is to say it is a parent of child node(s) or
this parent property(ies); if <emphasis
role="bold">isDeep</emphasis> is true then you'll get events of all
the subtree of child nodes also. The same actual for <emphasis
role="bold">uuid</emphasis> and <emphasis
role="bold">nodeTypeName</emphasis> parameters of
ObservationManager.addEventListener() method.
+ An often confusing part is the <emphasis
role="bold">absPath</emphasis>, it is an associated parent of a
location you want to observe events on. That is to say it is a parent of child node(s) or
this parent properties; if <emphasis role="bold">isDeep</emphasis>
is true then you'll get events of all the subtree of child nodes also. The same actual
for <emphasis role="bold">uuid</emphasis> and <emphasis
role="bold">nodeTypeName</emphasis> parameters of
ObservationManager.addEventListener() method.
epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/eXoJCR/ws/groovy-scripts-as-rest-services.xml 2012-01-09
20:09:39 UTC (rev 8288)
epp/docs/branches/5.2/Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/eXoJCR/ws/groovy-scripts-as-rest-services.xml 2012-01-09
23:43:14 UTC (rev 8289)
@@ -4,63 +4,63 @@
<chapter id="chap-Reference_Guide-Groovy_Scripts_as_REST_Services">
- <title>Groovy Scripts as REST Services</title>
- <section
- <title>Overview</title>
- <para>
- This article describes how to use Groovy scripts as REST services. We are going to
consider these operations:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Load script and save it in JCR.
- </para>
+ <title>Groovy Scripts as REST Services</title>
+ <section
+ <title>Overview</title>
+ <para>
+ This article describes how to use Groovy scripts as REST services. We are
going to consider these operations:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Load script and save it in JCR.
+ </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Instantiate script
- </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Instantiate script
+ </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Deploy newly created Class as RESTful service.
- </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Deploy newly created Class as RESTful service.
+ </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Script Lifecycle Management.
- </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Script Lifecycle Management.
+ </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- And finally we will discover simple example which can get JCR node UUID
- </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ And finally we will discover simple example which can get JCR node
+ </para>
- </listitem>
+ </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- In this article, we consider RESTful service compatible with JSR-311 specification.
Currently last feature available in version 1.11-SNAPSHOT of JCR, 2.0-SNAPSHOT of WS and
version 2.1.4-SNAPSHOT of core.
- </para>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+ In this article, we consider RESTful service compatible with JSR-311
specification. Currently last feature available in version 1.11-SNAPSHOT of JCR,
2.0-SNAPSHOT of WS and version 2.1.4-SNAPSHOT of core.
+ </para>
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Loading script and save it in JCR</title>
- <para>
- There are two ways to save a script in JCR. The first way is to save it at server
startup time by using configuration.xml and the second way is to upload the script via
- </para>
- <para>
- <command>Load script at startup time</command>
- </para>
- <para>
- This way can be used for load prepared scripts, to use this way. we must configure This is
simple configuration example.
- </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ <title>Loading script and save it in JCR</title>
+ <para>
+ There are two ways to save a script in JCR. The first way is to save it at
server startup time by using configuration.xml and the second way is to upload the script
via HTTP.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <command>Load script at startup time</command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This way can be used for load prepared scripts, to use this way. we must
This is simple configuration example.
+ </para>
<programlisting language="XML"
@@ -88,54 +88,54 @@
- <para>
- The first is value-param sets JCR repository, the second is value-param sets workspace
and the third one is sets JCR node where scripts from plugin will be stored. If specified
node does not exist, then it will be created. List of scripts is set by properties-params.
Name of each properties-param will be used as node name for stored script, property
autoload says to deploy this script at startup time, property path sets the source of
script to be loaded. In this example we try to load single script from local file
- </para>
- <para>
- <command>Load script via HTTP</command>
- </para>
- <para>
- This is samples of HTTP requests. In this example, we will upload script from file
with name test.groovy.
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ The first is value-param sets JCR repository, the second is value-param sets
workspace and the third one is sets JCR node where scripts from plugin will be stored. If
specified node does not exist, then it will be created. List of scripts is set by
properties-params. Name of each properties-param will be used as node name for stored
script, property autoload says to deploy this script at startup time, property path sets
the source of script to be loaded. In this example we try to load single script from local
file /home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <command>Load script via HTTP</command>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This is samples of HTTP requests. In this example, we will upload script from
file with name test.groovy.
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-H 'Content-type:script/groovy' \
--data-binary @test.groovy \
- <para>
- This example imitate sending data with HTML form ('multipart/form-data').
Parameter autoload is optional. If parameter autoload=true then script will be instantiate
and deploy script immediately.
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ This example imitate sending data with HTML form
('multipart/form-data'). Parameter autoload is optional. If parameter
autoload=true then script will be instantiate and deploy script immediately.
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-F "file=(a)test.groovy;name=test" \
-F "autoload=true" \
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Instantiation</title>
- <para>
- is part of project
exo.core.component.script.groovy. GroovyScriptInstantiator can load script from specified
URL and parse stream that contains Groovy source code. It has possibility inject component
from Container in Groovy Class constructor. Configuration example:
- </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ <title>Instantiation</title>
+ <para>
+ is part of
project exo.core.component.script.groovy. GroovyScriptInstantiator can load script from
specified URL and parse stream that contains Groovy source code. It has possibility inject
component from Container in Groovy Class constructor. Configuration example:
+ </para>
<programlisting language="XML"
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Deploying newly created Class as RESTful service</title>
- <para>
- To deploy script automatically at server startup time, its property exo:autoload must
be set as true.
check JCR workspaces which were specified in configuration and deploy all auto-loadable
- </para>
- <para>
- Example of configuration.
- </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ <title>Deploying newly created Class as RESTful service</title>
+ <para>
+ To deploy script automatically at server startup time, its property
exo:autoload must be set as true. check JCR
workspaces which were specified in configuration and deploy all auto-loadable scripts.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Example of configuration.
+ </para>
<programlisting language="XML"
@@ -156,92 +156,92 @@
- <para>
- In example above JCR workspace "production" will be checked for autoload
scripts. At once, this workspace will be listened for changes script's source code
(property jcr:data).
- </para>
+ <para>
+ In example above JCR workspace "production" will be checked for
autoload scripts. At once, this workspace will be listened for changes script's source
code (property jcr:data).
+ </para>
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Script Lifecycle Management</title>
- <para>
- If GroovyScript2RestLoader configured as was decribed in the previous section, then
all "autoload" scripts deployed. In the first section, we added script from file
/home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy to JCR node /script/groovy/JcrGroovyTest.groovy,
repository repository, workspace production. In section "Load script via HTTP",
it was referred about load scripts via HTTP, there is an opportunity to manage the life
cycle of script.
- </para>
- <para>
- Undeploy script, which is already deployed:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ </section>
+ <section
+ <title>Script Lifecycle Management</title>
+ <para>
+ If GroovyScript2RestLoader configured as was decribed in the previous
section, then all "autoload" scripts deployed. In the first section, we added
script from file /home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy to JCR node
/script/groovy/JcrGroovyTest.groovy, repository repository, workspace production. In
section "Load script via HTTP", it was referred about load scripts via HTTP,
there is an opportunity to manage the life cycle of script.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Undeploy script, which is already deployed:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- <para>
- Then deploy it again:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Then deploy it again:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- <para>
- or even more simple:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ or even more simple:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- <para>
- Disable scripts autoloading, NOTE it does not change current state:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Disable scripts autoloading, NOTE it does not change current state:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- <para>
- Enable it again:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Enable it again:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- <para>
- and again more simple variant:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ and again more simple variant:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- <para>
- Change script source code:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Change script source code:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-H 'Content-type:script/groovy' \
--data-binary @JcrGroovyTest.groovy \
- <para>
- This example imitates sending data with HTML form ('multipart/form-data').
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ This example imitates sending data with HTML form
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-F "file=(a)JcrGroovyTest.groovy;name=test" \
- <para>
- Remove script from JCR:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Remove script from JCR:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
-X GET \
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Getting node UUID example</title>
- <para>
- Now we are going to try simple example of Groovy RESTfull service. There is one
limitation, even if we use groovy, we should use Java style code and decline to use
dynamic types, but of course we can use it in private methods and fields. Create file
JcrGroovyTest.groovy, in this example I save it in my home directory
/home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy. Then, configure GroovyScript2RestLoaderPlugin as
described in section Load script at startup time.
- </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ <title>Getting node UUID example</title>
+ <para>
+ Now we are going to try simple example of Groovy RESTfull service. There is
one limitation, even if we use groovy, we should use Java style code and decline to use
dynamic types, but of course we can use it in private methods and fields. Create file
JcrGroovyTest.groovy, in this example I save it in my home directory
/home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy. Then, configure GroovyScript2RestLoaderPlugin as
described in section Load script at startup time.
+ </para>
<programlisting language="Java" role="Java">import
import javax.jcr.Session
@@ -277,28 +277,28 @@
- <para>
- After configuration is done, start the server. If configuration is correct and script
does not have syntax error, you should see next:
- </para>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/eXoJCR/groovy-console1.png"
width="444" />
- </imageobject>
+ <para>
+ After configuration is done, start the server. If configuration is correct
and script does not have syntax error, you should see next:
+ </para>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/eXoJCR/groovy-console1.png"
width="444" />
+ </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- <para>
- In the screenshot, we can see the service deployed.
- </para>
- <para>
- First, create a folder via WebDAV in the repository production, folder name
'test'. Now, we can try access this service. Open another console and type
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para>
+ In the screenshot, we can see the service deployed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ First, create a folder via WebDAV in the repository production, folder name
'test'. Now, we can try access this service. Open another console and type
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
- <para>
- When you try to execute this command, you should have exception, because JCR node
'/test' is not referenceable and has not UUID. We can try add mixin
mix:referenceable. To do this, add one more method in script. Open script from local
source code /home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy, add following code and save file.
- </para>
+ <para>
+ When you try to execute this command, you should have exception, because JCR
node '/test' is not referenceable and has not UUID. We can try add mixin
mix:referenceable. To do this, add one more method in script. Open script from local
source code /home/andrew/JcrGroovyTest.groovy, add following code and save file.
+ </para>
<programlisting language="Java" role="Java">@POST
public void addReferenceableMixin(@PathParam("repository") String repository,
@@ -315,66 +315,66 @@
- <para>
- Now we can try to change script deployed on the server without server restart. Type in
console next command:
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -i -v -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Now we can try to change script deployed on the server without server
restart. Type in console next command:
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -i -v -u root:exo \
--data-binary @JcrGroovyTest.groovy \
-H 'Content-type:script/groovy' \
- <para>
- Node '/script/groovy/JcrGroovyTest.groovy' has property exo:autoload=true so
script will be re-deployed automatically when script source code changed.
- </para>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/eXoJCR/groovy-console2.png"
width="444" />
- </imageobject>
+ <para>
+ Node '/script/groovy/JcrGroovyTest.groovy' has property
exo:autoload=true so script will be re-deployed automatically when script source code
+ </para>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/eXoJCR/groovy-console2.png"
width="444" />
+ </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- <para>
- Script was redeployed, now try to access a newly created method.
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para>
+ Script was redeployed, now try to access a newly created method.
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
- <para>
- Method execution should be quiet, without output, traces, etc. Then we can try again
get node UUID.
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Method execution should be quiet, without output, traces, etc. Then we can
try again get node UUID.
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
- <para>
- Node UUID: 1b8c88d37f0000020084433d3af4941f
- </para>
- <para>
- We don't need this scripts any more, so remove it from JCR.
- </para>
-<programlisting>andrew@ossl:~> curl -u root:exo \
+ <para>
+ Node UUID: 1b8c88d37f0000020084433d3af4941f
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ We don't need this scripts any more, so remove it from JCR.
+ </para>
+<programlisting>user@host:~> curl -u root:exo \
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject>
- <imagedata fileref="images/eXoJCR/groovy-console3.png"
width="444" />
- </imageobject>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/eXoJCR/groovy-console3.png"
width="444" />
+ </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
+ </mediaobject>
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Groovy script restrictions</title>
- <para>
- You should keep one class per one groovy file. The same actually for interface and it
implementation. It's limitation of groovy parser that does not have type Class[]
parseClass(InputStream) or Collection parseClass(InputStream) but only Class
parseClass(InputStream) instead.
- </para>
- <para>
- That is all.
- </para>
+ </section>
+ <section
+ <title>Groovy script restrictions</title>
+ <para>
+ You should keep one class per one groovy file. The same actually for
interface and it implementation. It's limitation of groovy parser that does not have
type Class[] parseClass(InputStream) or Collection parseClass(InputStream) but only Class
parseClass(InputStream) instead.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ That is all.
+ </para>
- </section>
+ </section>