Author: luc.texier(a)
Date: 2010-03-19 12:03:50 -0400 (Fri, 19 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 2316
JBEPP-185 fixed install and run section
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_ER04_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Release_Notes/en-US/Release_Notes.xml 2010-03-19
15:53:10 UTC (rev 2315)
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_ER04_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Release_Notes/en-US/Release_Notes.xml 2010-03-19
16:03:50 UTC (rev 2316)
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
<section id="sect-Release_Notes-Installation_Notes">
- <title>Installation Notes</title>
+ <title>Installing and Running</title>
You must have adequate disk space to install JDK and &PRODUCT; while also allowing
enough space for your applications. You must have a working installation of JDK 1.6.
@@ -417,35 +417,101 @@
[usr]$ jar -xvf
- You should now have a directory called jboss-epp-5.0. The
<varname>JBOSS_HOME</varname> environment variable will now need to be set:
+ You should now have a directory called <varname>jboss-epp-5.0</varname>.
The <varname>JBOSS_HOME</varname> environment variable will now need to be
- <formalpara
+ <formalpara id="form-Release_Notes-Install-On_a_Linux_Platform">
<title>On a Linux Platform</title>
- Create an environment variable that points to the installation directory (for
example, <filename>/jboss/jboss-epp-5.0/jboss-as/</filename>) and name it
+ Create an environment variable that points to the installation directory called
<varname>jboss-as</varname> and name it
- <para>
Add <varname>$JBOSS_HOME/bin</varname> to the system path to be able to
run the server from the command line. You can do this by adding the following lines to the
<filename>.bashrc</filename> file in your home directory.
# In this example /jboss/jboss-epp-5.0/jboss-as/ is the install directory
-export JBOSS_HOME=/jboss/jboss-epp-5.0/jboss-as/
-export PATH=$PATH:$JBOSS_HOME/bin
+export JBOSS_HOME
Set this variable for the user accounts that will run the server.
- <formalpara
+ <formalpara id="form-Release_Notes-Install-On_Microsoft_Windows">
<title>On Microsoft Windows</title>
- Create an environment variable that points to the installation directory (for
example, <filename>C:\Program Files\jboss\jboss-epp-5.0\jboss-as\</filename>)
and name it <varname>JBOSS_HOME</varname>.
+ Create an environment variable that points to the installation directory (for
example, <filename>C:\jboss\jboss-epp-5.0\jboss-as\</filename>) and name it
Add <filename>bin</filename> to the path to be able to run the server from
the command line (for example, <filename>C:\Program
Files\jboss\jboss-epp-5.0\jboss-as\bin</filename>). To do this, open the
<guimenu>Control Panel</guimenu> from the <guimenu>Start
Menu</guimenu>, switch to <guimenuitem>Classic View</guimenuitem> if
necessary, open the <guimenuitem>System Control Panel</guimenuitem> applet,
select the <guimenuitem>Advanced</guimenuitem> Tab, and click on the
<guibutton>Environment Variables</guibutton> button.
+ <para>
+ To start &PRODUCT; run the following commands depending on your environment:
+ </para>
+ <formalpara id="form-Release_Notes-run-On_a_Linux_Platform">
+ <title>On a Linux Platform</title>
+ <para>
+[usr]:/$ cd $JBOSS_HOME/bin/
+[usr]:~/jboss/jboss-epp-5.0/jboss-as/bin$ ./
+ </para>
+ </formalpara>
+ <formalpara id="form-Release_Notes-run-On_Microsoft_Windows">
+ <title>On Microsoft Windows</title>
+ <para>
+c:\>cd %JBOSS_HOME%/bin
+c:\jboss\jboss-epp-5.0\jboss-as\bin$ run.bat
+ </para>
+ </formalpara>
+ <para>
+ The bootstrap sequence should appear as follows:
+ </para>
+ JBoss Bootstrap Environment
+ JBOSS_HOME: /jboss/jboss-epp-5.0/jboss-as
+ JAVA: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_18/bin/java
+ JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms1303m -Xmx1303m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
-Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000
-Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true
+16:11:21,373 INFO [ServerImpl] Starting JBoss (Microcontainer)...
+16:11:21,374 INFO [ServerImpl] Release ID: JBoss [EAP] 5.0.0.GA (build:
SVNTag=JBPAPP_5_0_0_GA date=200910202128)
+[lots of logs here]
+16:13:29,023 INFO [AjpProtocol] Starting Coyote AJP/1.3 on ajp-
+16:13:29,043 INFO [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.0.0.GA (build:
SVNTag=JBPAPP_5_0_0_GA date=200910202128)] Started in 0m:24s:396ms
+ <para>
+ You may now point a web browser at <ulink
+ </para>
<!-- <section id="upgrade">