Author: smumford
Date: 2010-05-11 01:03:42 -0400 (Tue, 11 May 2010)
New Revision: 3036
Minor edits
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/AuthenticationTokenConfiguration.xml 2010-05-11
04:15:40 UTC (rev 3035)
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/AuthenticationTokenConfiguration.xml 2010-05-11
05:03:42 UTC (rev 3036)
@@ -5,26 +5,29 @@
<section id="sect-Reference_Guide-Authentication_Token_Configuration">
<title>Authentication Token Configuration</title>
- <section
- <title>What is Token Service?</title>
+ <section
+ <title>The Token Service</title>
- <emphasis>Token Service</emphasis> is used in authentication.
+ The <emphasis>Token Service</emphasis> is used in authentication.
The token system prevents user account information being sent in clear text mode
within inbound requests. This increases authentication security.
- Token service allows administrators to create, delete, retrieve and clean tokens as
required. The service also defines a validity period of any given token. The token becomes
invalid once this period expires.
+ The token service allows administrators to create, delete, retrieve and clean tokens
as required. The service also defines a validity period of any given token. The token
becomes invalid once this period expires.
<title>Implementing the Token Service API</title>
- All token services used in &PRODUCT; authentication must be implemented by
subclassing an <emphasis role="bold">AbstractTokenService</emphasis>
abstract class. The following <emphasis
role="bold">AbstractTokenService</emphasis> methods represent the
contract between authentication runtime, and a token service implementation.
+ All token services used in &PRODUCT; authentication must be implemented by
subclassing an <emphasis role="bold">AbstractTokenService</emphasis>
abstract class.
+ <para>
+ The following <emphasis
role="bold">AbstractTokenService</emphasis> methods represent the
contract between authentication runtime, and a token service implementation.
+ </para>
-<programlisting role="JAVA">
+<programlisting language="Java" role="JAVA">
public Token getToken(String id) throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException;
public Token deleteToken(String id) throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException;
public String[] getAllTokens();
@@ -37,9 +40,9 @@
- <title>Configuring token services</title>
+ <title>Configuring Token Services</title>
- Token services configuration includes specifying the token validity period. The token
service is configured as a portal component (in portal scope, as opposed to root scope -
more about that in Foundations chapter).
+ Token services configuration includes specifying the token validity period. The token
service is configured as a portal component.
In the example below, <emphasis>CookieTokenService</emphasis> is a
subclass of <emphasis role="bold">AbstractTokenService</emphasis> so
it has a property which specifies the validity period of the token.
@@ -57,19 +60,18 @@
<area coords="9"
- <init-params>
- <values-param>
- <name>service.configuration</name>
- <value>jcr-token</value>
- <value>7</value>
- <value>DAY</value>
- </values-param>
- </init-params>
+<programlisting language="XML"
+ <key></key>
+ <type></type>
+ <init-params>
+ <values-param>
+ <name>service.configuration</name>
+ <value>jcr-token</value>
+ <value>7</value>
+ <value>DAY</value>
+ </values-param>
+ </init-params>
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/BackendConfiguration.xml 2010-05-11
04:15:40 UTC (rev 3035)
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/BackendConfiguration.xml 2010-05-11
05:03:42 UTC (rev 3036)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
&PRODUCT; uses PicketLink IDM component to keep the necessary identity information
(users, groups, memberships, etc.). While legacy interfaces are still used
( for identity management, there is a wrapper
implementation that delegates to PicketLink IDM framework.
- This section doesn't provide information about PicketLink IDM and its
configuration. Please, refer to the appropriate project documentation (<ulink
url="" />) for further information.
+ This section does not provide information about PicketLink IDM and its configuration.
Please, refer to the appropriate project documentation (<ulink
url="" />) for further information.
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/PredefinedUserConfiguration.xml 2010-05-11
04:15:40 UTC (rev 3035)
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/AuthenticationAndIdentity/PredefinedUserConfiguration.xml 2010-05-11
05:03:42 UTC (rev 3036)
@@ -8,21 +8,24 @@
- To specify the initial Organization configuration, the content of
</literal> should be edited. This file uses the portal XML configuration schema. It
lists several configuration plugins.
+ The initial Organization configuration should be specified by editing the content of
This file uses the portal XML configuration schema. It lists several configuration
<title>Plugin for adding users, groups and membership types</title>
- The plugin of type
is used to specify a list of membership types, a list of groups, and a list of users to be
+ The plugin type
is used to specify a list of membership types, a list of groups and a list of users to be
The <emphasis role="bold">checkDatabaseAlgorithm</emphasis>
initialization parameter determines how the database update is performed.
- If its value is set to <emphasis role="bold">entry</emphasis> it
means that each user, group and membership listed in the configuration is checked each
time &PRODUCT; is started. If the entry doesn't yet exist in the database, it is
created. If <emphasis role="bold">checkDatabaseAlgorithm</emphasis>
parameter value is set to <emphasis role="bold">empty</emphasis>,
the configuration data will be updated to the database only if the database is empty.
+ If its value is set to <emphasis role="bold">entry</emphasis> it
means that each user, group and membership listed in the configuration is checked each
time &PRODUCT; is started. If the entry doesn't yet exist in the database, it is
+ <para>
+ If <emphasis role="bold">checkDatabaseAlgorithm</emphasis>
parameter value is set to <emphasis role="bold">empty</emphasis>,
the configuration data will be updated to the database only if the database is empty.
+ </para>
@@ -153,47 +156,50 @@
<title>Plugin for monitoring user creation</title>
- The plugin of type
</literal> specifies which groups all the newly created users should become members
of. It specifies the groups and the memberships to use (while group is just a set of
users, a membership type represents a user's role within a group). It also specifies a
list of users that should not be processed (i.e. administrative users like
+ The plugin type
specifies which groups all the newly created users should become members of.
+ <para>
+ It specifies the group memberships and the membership types to use (while a
<emphasis>group</emphasis> is just a set of users, a membership
<emphasis>type</emphasis> represents a user's role within a group). It
also specifies a list of users that should not be processed (such as administrative users
like '<literal>root</literal>').
+ </para>
+ <title>Terminology</title>
- The terms 'membership' and 'membership type' refer to the same thing,
and are used interchangeably.
+ The terms '<emphasis role="bold">membership</emphasis>'
and '<emphasis role="bold">membership type</emphasis>' refer
to the same thing, and are used interchangeably.
-<programlisting role="XML"><component-plugin>
- <name>new.user.event.listener</name>
- <set-method>addListenerPlugin</set-method>
- <description>this listener assign group and membership to a new created
- <init-params>
- <object-param>
- <name>configuration</name>
- <description>description</description>
- <object
- <field name="group">
- <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
- <value>
- <object
- <field
- <field
- </object>
- </value>
- </collection>
- </field>
- <field name="ignoredUser">
- <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
- </collection>
- </field>
- </object>
- </object-param>
- </init-params>
+<programlisting language="XML"
+ <name>new.user.event.listener</name>
+ <set-method>addListenerPlugin</set-method>
+ <description>this listener assign group and membership to a new created
+ <init-params>
+ <object-param>
+ <name>configuration</name>
+ <description>description</description>
+ <object
+ <field name="group">
+ <collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
+ <value>
+ <object
+ <field
+ <field
+ </object>
+ </value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="ignoredUser">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>exo</string></value>
+ <value><string>root</string></value>
+ <value><string>company</string></value>
+ <value><string>community</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ </object>
+ </object-param>
+ </init-params>
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/GadgetDevelopment/SetupGadgetServer.xml 2010-05-11
04:15:40 UTC (rev 3035)
portal/branches/EPP_5_0_0_Branch_Docs/Enterprise_Portal_Platform_Reference_Guide/en-US/modules/GadgetDevelopment/SetupGadgetServer.xml 2010-05-11
05:03:42 UTC (rev 3036)
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
These servers have to be on the same domain as the gadget server. You can configure
the container in
-<programlisting>"gadgets.content-rewrite" : {
+<programlisting language="Java"
role="JAVA">"gadgets.content-rewrite" : {
"include-urls": ".*",
"exclude-urls": "",
"include-tags": ["link", "script", "embed",
"img", "style"],