Author: ndkhoiits
Date: 2011-08-02 03:20:31 -0400 (Tue, 02 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 6973
GTNPORTAL-1977 Update Reference Guide for initial Portal/Group/User configuration
portal/branches/branch-GTNPORTAL-1963/docs/reference-guide/en-US/modules/PortalDevelopment/DefaultPortalNavigationConfiguration.xml 2011-08-02
05:57:08 UTC (rev 6972)
portal/branches/branch-GTNPORTAL-1963/docs/reference-guide/en-US/modules/PortalDevelopment/DefaultPortalNavigationConfiguration.xml 2011-08-02
07:20:31 UTC (rev 6973)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- There are three types of navigation available to portal users:
+ There are three navigation types available to portal users:
@@ -28,134 +28,303 @@
- These navigations are configured using standard XML syntax in the file;
+ These navigations are configured using the standard XML syntax in the file;
-<programlisting role="XML"><component>
- <component-plugins>
- <component-plugin>
- <name>new.portal.config.user.listener</name>
- <set-method>initListener</set-method>
- <description>this listener init the portal
- <init-params>
- <value-param>
- <name>default.portal</name>
- <description>The default portal for checking db is empty or
- <value>classic</value>
- </value-param>
- <object-param>
- <name>portal.configuration</name>
- <description>description</description>
- <object
- <field name="predefinedOwner">
- <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
- </collection>
- </field>
- <field
- <field
- </object>
- </object-param>
- <object-param>
- <name>group.configuration</name>
- <description>description</description>
- <object
- <field name="predefinedOwner">
- <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
- </collection>
- </field>
- <field
- <field
- </object>
- </object-param>
- <object-param>
- <name>user.configuration</name>
- <description>description</description>
- <object
- <field name="predefinedOwner">
- <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
- </collection>
- </field>
- <field
- <field
- </object>
- </object-param>
- </init-params>
- </component-plugin>
+<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<component>
+ <key>org.exoplatform.portal.config.UserPortalConfigService</key>
+ <type>org.exoplatform.portal.config.UserPortalConfigService</type>
+ <component-plugins>
+ <component-plugin>
+ <name>new.portal.config.user.listener</name>
+ <set-method>initListener</set-method>
+ <type>org.exoplatform.portal.config.NewPortalConfigListener
+ </type>
+ <description>this listener init the portal configuration
+ </description>
+ <init-params>
+ <value-param>
+ <name>default.portal</name>
+ <description>The default portal for checking db is empty or
+ <value>classic</value>
+ </value-param>
+ <value-param>
+ <name>page.templates.location</name>
+ <description>the path to the location that contains Page
+ <value>war:/conf/portal/template/pages</value>
+ </value-param>
+ <value-param>
+ <name>override</name>
+ <description>The flag parameter to decide if portal metadata is
overriden on restarting server
+ </description>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </value-param>
+ <object-param>
+ <name>site.templates.location</name>
+ <description>description</description>
+ <object
+ <field name="location">
+ <string>war:/conf/portal</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="portalTemplates">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>basic</string></value>
+ <value><string>classic</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="groupTemplates">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>group</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="userTemplates">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>user</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ </object>
+ </object-param>
+ <object-param>
+ <name>portal.configuration</name>
+ <description>description</description>
+ <object
+ <field name="predefinedOwner">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>classic</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="ownerType">
+ <string>portal</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="templateLocation">
+ <string>war:/conf/portal/</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="importMode">
+ <string>conserve</string>
+ </field>
+ </object>
+ </object-param>
+ <object-param>
+ <name>group.configuration</name>
+ <description>description</description>
+ <object
+ <field name="predefinedOwner">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="ownerType">
+ <string>group</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="templateLocation">
+ <string>war:/conf/portal</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="importMode">
+ <string>conserve</string>
+ </field>
+ </object>
+ </object-param>
+ <object-param>
+ <name>user.configuration</name>
+ <description>description</description>
+ <object
+ <field name="predefinedOwner">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>root</string></value>
+ <value><string>john</string></value>
+ <value><string>mary</string></value>
+ <value><string>demo</string></value>
+ <value><string>user</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="ownerType">
+ <string>user</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="templateLocation">
+ <string>war:/conf/portal</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="importMode">
+ <string>conserve</string>
+ </field>
+ </object>
+ </object-param>
+ </init-params>
+ </component-plugin>
+ </component-plugins>
- <para>
- This XML configuration defines where in the portal's war to look for
configuration, and what portals, groups, and user specific views
- to include in portal/group/user navigation. Those files will be used to create
an initial navigation, the first time the portal is launched.
- That information will then be stored in JCR content repository, and can then be
modified, and managed from the portal UI.
- </para>
+ This XML configuration defines where in the portal's war to look for configuration,
and which portals, groups, and user specific views
+ to include in <literal>portal/group/user</literal> navigation. Those files
will be used to create an initial navigation when the portal is launched in the first
+ That information will then be stored in the JCR content repository, and can then be
modified and managed from the portal UI.
+ </para>
+Each portal, groups and users navigation is indicated by a configuration paragraph, for
+ <areaspec>
+ <area coords="5"
id="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.predifinedOwner" />
+ <area coords="10"
id="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.ownerType" />
+ <area coords="13"
id="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.templateLocation" />
+ <area coords="16"
id="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.importMode" />
+ </areaspec>
+<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<object-param>
+ <name>portal.configuration</name>
+ <description>description</description>
+ <object type="org.exoplatform.portal.config.NewPortalConfig">
+ <field name="predefinedOwner">
+ <collection type="java.util.HashSet">
+ <value><string>classic</string></value>
+ </collection>
+ </field>
+ <field name="ownerType">
+ <string>portal</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="templateLocation">
+ <string>war:/conf/portal/</string>
+ </field>
+ <field name="importMode">
+ <string>conserve</string>
+ </field>
+ </object>
+ <callout arearefs="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.predifinedOwner">
+ <para>
+ <emphasis> predefinedOwner</emphasis> define the navigation owner,
portal will look for the configuration files in folder with this name, if there is no
suiable folder, a default portal will be created with name is this value.
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout arearefs="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.ownerType">
+ <para>
+ <emphasis> ownerType</emphasis> define the type of portal navigation.
It may be a portal, group or user
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout
+ <para>
+ <emphasis> templateLocation</emphasis> the classpath where contains all
portal configuration files
+ </para>
+ </callout>
+ <callout arearefs="area-Reference_Guide.Portalconf.importMode">
+ <para>
+ <emphasis> importMode</emphasis> The mode for navigation import. There
are 4 types of import mode:
+ </para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <emphasis>conserve</emphasis>: Import data when it does not exist,
otherwise do nothing.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <emphasis>insert</emphasis>: Import data when it does not exist,
otherwise performs a strategy that adds new data only.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <emphasis>merge</emphasis>: Import data when it does not exist, update
data when it exists.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <emphasis>rewrite</emphasis>: Overwrite data whatsoever.
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </callout>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+Base on these parameters, portal will look for the configuration files and create a
relevant portal navigation, pages and data import strategy. The portal configuration files
will be stored in folders with path look like
<literal>{templateLocation}/{ownerType}/{predefinedOwner}</literal>, all
navigations are defined in the <literal>navigation.xml</literal> file, pages
are defined in pages.xml and portal configuration is defined in
+For example, with the above configuration, prtal will look for all configuration files
from <literal>war:/conf/portal/portal/classic path.</literal>
+ </para>
<title>Portal Navigation</title>
- The portal navigation incorporates the pages that can be accessed even when a user is
not logged in
- (assuming the applicable permissions allow public access). For example; several
portal navigations are used
- when a company owns multiple trademarks, and sets up a web site for each of
+ The portal navigation incorporates the pages that can be accessed even when the user is
not logged in assuming the applicable permissions allow the public access). For example,
several portal navigations are used when a company owns multiple trademarks, and sets up a
website for each of them.
- The <emphasis role="bold">classic</emphasis> portal is
configured by four XML files in
+ The <emphasis role="bold">classic</emphasis> portal is
configured by four XML files in the
- This file describes the layout and portlets that will be shown on all pages.
Usually the layout contains the banner, footer, menu and breadcrumbs portlets.
+ This file describes the layout and portlets that will be shown on all pages. The
layout usually contains the banner, footer, menu and breadcrumbs portlets.
&PRODUCT; is extremely configurable as every view element (even the
banner and footer) is a portlet.
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <portal-name>classic</portal-name>
- <locale>en</locale>
- <factory-id>office</factory-id>
- <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
- <creator>root</creator>
- <portal-layout>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
+<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<portal-config
+ <portal-name>classic</portal-name>
+ <locale>en</locale>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <edit-permission>*:/platform/administrators</edit-permission>
+ <properties>
+ <entry key="sessionAlive">onDemand</entry>
+ <entry key="showPortletInfo">1</entry>
+ </properties>
+ <portal-layout>
+ <portlet-application>
+ <portlet>
+ <application-ref>web</application-ref>
+ <portlet-ref>BannerPortlet</portlet-ref>
+ <preferences>
+ <preference>
+ <name>template</name>
+ <read-only>false</read-only>
+ </preference>
+ </preferences>
+ </portlet>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
+ </portlet-application>
+ <portlet-application>
+ <portlet>
+ <application-ref>web</application-ref>
+ <portlet-ref>NavigationPortlet</portlet-ref>
+ </portlet>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
+ </portlet-application>
+ <portlet-application>
+ <portlet>
+ <application-ref>web</application-ref>
+ <portlet-ref>BreadcumbsPortlet</portlet-ref>
+ </portlet>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
+ </portlet-application>
+ <page-body> </page-body>
+ <portlet-application>
+ <portlet>
+ <application-ref>web</application-ref>
+ <portlet-ref>FooterPortlet</portlet-ref>
+ <preferences>
+ <preference>
+ <name>template</name>
+ <read-only>false</read-only>
+ </preference>
+ </preferences>
+ </portlet>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
+ </portlet-application>
+ </portal-layout>
- <page-body> </page-body>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- </portal-layout>
It is also possible to apply a nested container that can also contain portlets.
Row, column or tab containers are then responsible for the layout of their child
@@ -175,51 +344,43 @@
- This file defines all the navigation nodes the portal will have. The syntax is
simple, using nested node tags. Each node references a page defined in pages.xml file
(explained next).
+ This file defines all the navigation nodes of the portal. The syntax is simple
using the nested node tags. Each node refers to a page defined in the
<literal>pages.xml</literal> file (explained next).
- When <literal>#{...}</literal> syntax is used, the enclosed property
name serves as a key that is automatically passed to internationalization mechanism
- so the literal property name is replaced by a localized value taken
from the associated properties file matching the current locale.
+ If the administrator want to create node labels for each language, they will have
to use <literal>xml:lang</literal> attribute in the label tag with value of
<literal>xml:lang</literal> is the relevant locale.
+ <para>
+ Otherwise, if they want the node label is localized by resource bundle files, the
<literal>#{...}</literal> syntax will be used, the enclosed property name
serves as a key that is automatically passed to the internationalization mechanism. Thus
the literal property name is replaced by a localized value taken from the associated
properties file matching the current locale.
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+ </para>
-<programlisting role="XML">
- <![CDATA[
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
- <priority>1</priority>
- <page-nodes>
- <node>
- <uri>home</uri>
- <name>home</name>
- <label>#{portal.classic.home}</label>
- <page-reference>portal::classic::homepage</page-reference>
- </node>
- <node>
- <uri>sitemap</uri>
- <name>sitemap</name>
- <label>#{portal.classic.sitemap}</label>
- <visibility>DISPLAYED</visibility>
- <page-reference>portal::classic::sitemap</page-reference>
- </node>
- </page-nodes>
- ]]>
+<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<node-navigation
+ <priority>1</priority>
+ <page-nodes>
+ <node>
+ <name>home</name>
+ <label xml:lang="en">Home</label>
+ <page-reference>portal::classic::homepage</page-reference>
+ </node>
+ <node>
+ <name>sitemap</name>
+ <label xml:lang="en">SiteMap</label>
+ <visibility>DISPLAYED</visibility>
+ <page-reference>portal::classic::sitemap</page-reference>
+ </node>
+ ..........
+ </page-nodes>
This navigation tree can have multiple views inside portlets (such as the
breadcrumbs portlet) that render the current view node, the site map or the menu
- <warning>
- <para>
- For top nodes, the <emphasis role="bold">uri</emphasis> and
the <emphasis role="bold">name</emphasis> of your navigation nodes
must have the <emphasis>same</emphasis> value.
- For other nodes the <emphasis
role="bold">uri</emphasis> is a relative path. For example,
where '<literal>contentmanagement</literal> ' is the name of
the parent node and '<literal>fileexplorer</literal>' is the
name of the node (
</emphasis> ).
- </para>
- </warning>
@@ -230,428 +391,82 @@
Each application can decide whether to render the portlet border, the
window state, the icons or portlet's mode.
-<programlisting role="XML">
- <![CDATA[
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<page-set
- <page>
- <name>homepage</name>
- <title>Home Page</title>
- <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
- <edit-permission>*:/platform/administrators</edit-permission>
- <portlet-application>
- <portlet>
- <application-ref>web</application-ref>
- <portlet-ref>HomePagePortlet</portlet-ref>
- <preferences>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </preferences>
- </portlet>
- <title>Home Page portlet</title>
+ <page>
+ <name>homepage</name>
+ <title>Home Page</title>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- <show-application-state>false</show-application-state>
- <show-application-mode>false</show-application-mode>
- </portlet-application>
- </page>
- <page>
- <name>sitemap</name>
- <title>Site Map</title>
- <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
- <edit-permission>*:/platform/administrators</edit-permission>
- <portlet-application>
- <portlet>
- <application-ref>web</application-ref>
- <portlet-ref>SiteMapPortlet</portlet-ref>
- </portlet>
- <title>SiteMap</title>
+ <edit-permission>*:/platform/administrators</edit-permission>
+ <portlet-application>
+ <portlet>
+ <application-ref>web</application-ref>
+ <portlet-ref>HomePagePortlet</portlet-ref>
+ <preferences>
+ <preference>
+ <name>template</name>
+ <read-only>false</read-only>
+ </preference>
+ </preferences>
+ </portlet>
+ <title>Home Page portlet</title>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
+ <show-application-state>false</show-application-state>
+ <show-application-mode>false</show-application-mode>
+ </portlet-application>
+ </page>
+ <page>
+ <name>sitemap</name>
+ <title>Site Map</title>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </portlet-application>
- </page>
+ <edit-permission>*:/platform/administrators</edit-permission>
+ <portlet-application>
+ <portlet>
+ <application-ref>web</application-ref>
+ <portlet-ref>SiteMapPortlet</portlet-ref>
+ </portlet>
+ <title>SiteMap</title>
+ <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
+ <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
+ </portlet-application>
+ </page>
+ .......
- <varlistentry>
- <term>portlet-preferences.xml</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Porlet instances can be associated with
<literal>portlet-preferences</literal> that override the ones defined in
<filename>portlet.xml</filename> of the portlet application
<literal>war</literal> (TODO: clarify which file in which war).
- </para>
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>useAJAX</name>
- <value>true</value>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <!-- <section
- <title>Portal.xml</title>
- <para>
- That file describes the layout and portlets that will be shown for all pages. Usually
the layout contains the banner, footer, menu, breadcrumbs portlets. Indeed, in GateIn,
every area is a portlet even the banner and footer which makes the platform extremely
- </para>
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <portal-name>classic</portal-name>
- <locale>en</locale>
- <factory-id>office</factory-id>
- <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
- <creator>root</creator>
- <portal-layout>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- <page-body> </page-body>
- <application>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- </portal-layout>
- <para>
- Even if not shown in the previous XML file, it is also possible to apply a nested
container that can also contain portlets. Containers are then responsible of the layout of
their children (row, column or tabs containers exist).
- </para>
- <para>
- Each application references a portlet using the id
- </para>
- <para>
- In order to define at which location GateIn Portal shall render the current page use
the page-body tag.
- </para>
- <para>
- The defined classic portal is accessible to "Everyone" (that means it can be
accessed through the URL /portal/public/classic) but only members of the group
/platform/administrators can edit it.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Navigation.xml</title>
- <para>
- This file defines all the navigation nodes the portal will have. The syntax is simple
as we get nested node tags. Each node references a page that is defined in the next XML
- </para>
- <para>
- If the label #{} is used then it means the i18n mechanism is activated and that the
real label to render is taken from an associated properties file for the current locale.
- </para>
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <priority>1</priority>
- <page-nodes>
- <node>
- <uri>home</uri>
- <name>home</name>
- <label>#{portal.classic.home}</label>
- </node>
- <node>
- <uri>webexplorer</uri>
- <name>webexplorer</name>
- <label>#{portal.classic.webexplorer}</label>
- </node>
- </page-nodes>
- <para>
- This navigation tree can have multiple views inside portlets such as the breadcrumbs
that render the current view node, the site map or the menu portlets.
- </para>
- <warning>
- <para>
- For top nodes, the <emphasis role="bold">uri</emphasis> and the
<emphasis role="bold">name</emphasis> of your navigation nodes must
have the <emphasis role="bold">same</emphasis> value. For the other
nodes the uri is composed like
where 'contentmanagement' is the name of the parent node and
'fileexplorer' the name of the node (
<emphasis><name>fileexplorer</name> </emphasis>
- </para>
- </warning>
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Pages.xml</title>
- <para>
- This XML file structure is very similar to portal.xml and it can also contain
container tags. Each application can decide if it wishes to render the portlet border, the
window state icons or the mode.
- </para>
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <page>
- <page-id>portal::classic::homepage</page-id>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <name>homepage</name>
- <title>Home Page</title>
- <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
- <application>
- <title>Home Page portlet</title>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- <show-application-state>false</show-application-state>
- <show-application-mode>false</show-application-mode>
- </application>
- </page>
- <page>
- <page-id>portal::classic::webexplorer</page-id>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <name>webexplorer</name>
- <title>Web Explorer</title>
- <application>
- <title>Web Explorer</title>
- <show-info-bar>false</show-info-bar>
- </application>
- </page>
- </section>
- <section
- <title>Portlet-preferences.xml</title>
- <para>
- Porlet instances can be associated with portlet-preferences that override the one
defined in the usual portlet.xml file of the portlet application WAR.
- </para>
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>useAJAX</name>
- <value>true</value>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- <portlet-preferences>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>classic</owner-id>
- <preference>
- <name>template</name>
- <read-only>false</read-only>
- </preference>
- </portlet-preferences>
- </section> -->
<title>Group Navigation</title>
- Group navigations are dynamically added to the user navigation at login. This allows
users to see in the menu all the pages assigned to any groups they belong to.
+ Group navigations are dynamically added to the user navigation at login. This allows
users to see the menu of all pages assigned to any groups they belong to.
The group navigation menu is configured by three XML files
<filename>pages.xml</filename> and
<filename>portlet-preferences.xml</filename>). The syntax used in these files
is the same as those covered in <xref
- They are located in
directory (For example;
+ They are also located in the
directory with <literal>ownerType</literal> is
<literal>group</literal> and <literal>predefinedOwner</literal> is
the path to the group. For example,
<title>User Navigation</title>
- User navigation is the set of nodes and pages that are owned by a user. They are part
of the user's dashboard.
+ User navigation is the set of nodes and pages that are owned by the user. They are
part of the user's dashboard.
- Three files configure the user navigation
<filename>pages.xml</filename> and
<filename>portlet-preferences.xml</filename>). They are located in the
+ Three files configure the user navigation
<filename>pages.xml</filename> and
<filename>portlet-preferences.xml</filename>). They are located in the
directory with <literal>ownerType</literal> is
<literal>user</literal> and <literal>predefinedOwner</literal> is
username that want to create the navigation. For example, if administrator want to create
navigation for user <literal>root</literal>, he has to locate the
configuration files in <filename>portal.war/WEB-INF/conf/portal/user/root
- <para>
- This directory also contains a <filename>gadgets.xml</filename> file
(formerly called <filename>widgets.xml</filename>). This file defines the
gadgets located in the user's workspace.
- </para>
- <para>
- The user's workspace is located at the left hand side of the page and access is
restricted to some privileged users, see <xref
linkend="sect-Reference_Guide-Predefined_User_Configuration" />
- </para>
-<programlisting role="XML"><?xml version="1.0"
- <owner-type>user</owner-type>
- <owner-id>root</owner-id>
- <container id="Information">
- <name>Information</name>
- <description>Information's
- <application>
- <application-type>GateInWidget</application-type>
- </application>
- <application>
- <application-type>GateInWidget</application-type>
- </application>
- <application>
- <application-type>GateInWidget</application-type>
- </application>
- </container>
- <container id="Calendar">
- <name>Calendar</name>
- <description>Calendar's
- <application>
- <application-type>GateInWidget</application-type>
- </application>
- </container>
- <!-- <para>
- Note that when you develop a portal, we advise you to use the XML instead of the User
Interface as XML will allow you to provide a preconfigured package to your customer. But
as each time you start the server the first time, the XML files are stored in the JCR, it
will be necessary to remove the database (the jcr leverages a database). During the
development phase using tomcat it simply means to delete the directory: exo-tomcat/temp
- </para> -->
- <section
- <title>Tips</title>
- <section id="sect-Reference_Guide-Tips-Direct_External_Links">
- <title>Direct External Links</title>
- <para>
- If you wish to add a link to a URL outside the portal you first have to define a
"page" that will only serve as a navigation placeholder for external
redirect - it will not be used for any portlets.
- Then add the URL to the navigation. (TODO: check for correctness)
- </para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>pages.xml</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <owner-type>portal</owner-type>
- <owner-id>website</owner-id>
- <name>documentation</name>
- <title>Documentation</title>
- <access-permissions>Everyone</access-permissions>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>navigation.xml</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <name>documentation</name>
- <label>#{portal.classic.documentation}</label>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <warning>
- <title>Direct external links were not a design goal</title>
- <para>
- Currently you cannot modify the URL using the portal interface, you must change it
in the configuration files or modify the underlying database table.
- </para>
- </warning>
- </section>
- </section>