Dear all,

Please find bellow our current status on Selenium test cases for GateIn (based on revision 2209) :
Thank you in advance for all remarks or ideas.

57 test cases in total.
- OK (40)
- design (1) :
    -- Test_SNF_PRL_32 needs an alternate skin to test.
- issues (3) :
    --Test_SNF_PRL_06 : GTNPORTAL-270
    --Test_SNF_PRL_13 : GTNPORTAL-439
    --Test_SNF_PRL_33 : GTNPORTAL-837
- ko (6) : Need analysis
- unstable (7) : Need analysis

Achieved Goal : all GateIn sniff tests
Daily Goal : 3 tests a day
Mid-April Goal : all high priority GateIn test cases (see GateIn_v3.0_MainFucntions_TestDefinition.ods)

To follow our GateIn Selenium script creation : GTNPORTAL-775



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