On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 10:16 +0200, Nicolas Filotto wrote:
> Hi,
> my comments inline
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Matt Wringe <
> wrote:
> Where exactly should we be looking for the documentation for
> exo kernel?
> The documentation of the kernel is shipped with the documentation of
> eXo JCR that you can find here
> I know there is some in the reference guide, but there is also
> documentation on the exoplatform wiki.
> The doc of the latest version of the kernel is indeed in the reference
> guide of eXo JCR
> (
http://docs.jboss.org/exojcr/1.12.3-GA/reference/en-US/html/part-kernel.html). The wiki was needed before we ported the whole doc into docbook, since now we ported everything, the official and unique doc is the reference guide.
> All I want to be able to do is to access a service in the
> portal during
> the deployment of an application. But configuration.xml files
> only
> appear to be used when the server is first started, and if I
> access the
> kernel directly in java (ie PortalContainer.getInstance) there
> doesn't
> appear to be any way to guarantee that the dependent service
> is running
> yet.
> In eXo JCR, the components are first initialized i.e the instances are
> created following the dependency order (remember that components are
> injected by constructor) then the components that implement the
> interface org.picocontainer.Startable will be started following the
> dependency order.
> In your case, what is your component? when do you want interact with
> it (before creating it, after it has been created, before it is
> started -if it implements Startable- or after it is started)?
> _______________________________________________
> gatein-dev mailing list
> --
> Nicolas Filotto
> JCR Product Manager
> eXo Platform SAS
> +33 (0)6 31 32 92 19