On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 5:41 AM, Trong Tran <trong.tran@exoplatform.com> wrote:

During last release 3.3.0-GA, I noticed that there are a few following projects missing in maven build for release. I even don't see they are linked to any profile. Does somebody know what is the situation of these ?

1. wsrp-integration/extension-ear 
2. testsuite/selenium-tests-other
3. testsuite/htmlunit-tests

No. 2, and no. 3 are some JIRA specific tests. They are grouped on a testing technology principle - htmlunit-tests obviously use htmlunit (no selenium). selenium-tests-other use EPP testing harness based on selenium (they don't contain EPP tests themselves, just a test harness).

They should probably be added as child modules of testsuite, so they keep version in sync with the release.
They test fixes for specific JIRAs, so I think we should keep them.

If these are still being used, we would add it to pkg-all profile at least for performing release properly next time.


Tran The Trong
eXo Platform SEA

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