
  Thomas, how are you releasing GateIn projects ? Are you using the release plugin ? I don't remember.

  I found 2 issues this morning while releasing the CP of portal :

  - In our builds we are sharing some tests artifacts, but the release process was configured to not generate test classes/artifacts (-Dmaven.test.skip=true) instead of just asking to not launch them (-DskipTests)

  - There is a known issue in maven's core and the release plugin which often requires to install binaries on the prepare phase (in theory we shouldn't). This will be fixed (with workaround) in the version 2.0 of the release plugin, but in the meantime we have to configure the release plugin to deploy binaries, otherwise it fails about missing dependencies

  I think we should open issues about that and fix them in gatein parent. WDYT ?

Arnaud Héritier
Software Factory Manager
eXo platform - http://www.exoplatform.com