On 27 January 2012 00:58, Christophe Laprun
<claprun@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm currently working on https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GTNPORTAL-1673 and I'm quite puzzled by the different rules that are in place to validate usernames. Not only are these rules not consistent across fields which display usernames (some are validated using UsernameValidator, some are validated using ExpressionValidator) but I'm also confused about the need to validate read-only fields (which presumably will only display valid information since it doesn't come from the user, right?). What are the rules for a valid username and where are they documented? What are the restrictions and why are they in place?
Defining the rules for a valid username is a long story,
they have been changed/updated many times according to users need. They
are also not fixed and documented so far. Until now, we still have
requests related to this like : to support case-sensitive, or possible
to add username under an email address.
Anyway the rules should be
consistent every places and no need to validate read-only fields, they are considered as issues
The second issue is that some of our users (rightly) want to validate user names according to their own rules instead of arbitrary and opaque rules that we impose on them for reasons that are entirely too unclear to me and probably to our users. To address this issue, I need to find a way to dynamically inject validators for some of the fields based on user-definable configuration. I'm currently thinking about using a service that would be initialized by the kernel and take its configuration from ${gatein.conf.dir}. Any opposition to this design? Any better idea?
Cordialement / Best,
Principal Software Engineer / JBoss Enterprise Middleware Red Hat, Inc.
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