
The doc of RequireJS http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html  - Section 1.2.7 - Console Debugging points out that the code


works only if module definition of shCore has been loaded into browser.

  Assume that shCore.js follows module pattern  and the absolute URL of shCore.js is  shCore_URL, then there are at least 2 ways to make your
code work.

1. Define a module named 'shCore' to use it later

  define( 'shCore', ['shCore_URL'], function(intermediate_var)
    return intermediate_var;


2. Put all business code with shCore in a callback

 require( [ "shCore_URL"] , function(shCore)
   var sh = shCore.SyntaxHightlighter;
   //Business code with SyntaxHighlighter