Thank you for the thorough statement, Vu.

I personally would not mind ignoring the files but through pushing this, I am actually trying to improve the experience of all newcoming Eclipse users. It is much easier for them to submit patches when there are no such unexpected changes immediately after the import.

Anyway, thank you for being ready to resolve it.



P.S.: Are there eclipse users at eXo?

On 2012-06-13 11:04, Phuong Viet VU wrote:
@Peter : I mean you can ignore changes made by eclipse on those *.laungh files. We will remove them and update doc soon

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Phuong Viet VU <> wrote:
Hi all, there are 2 ways to run selenium tests: use maven or run as JUnit test in Eclipse (details in testsuite/selenium-snifftests/Readme.txt)

If you want to run it in eclipse:
gatein-selenium-GenerateSniffTests.launch  --> is used to run SeleniumTestCaseGenerator class to generate SeleneseTestCase
gatein-selenium-StartSeleniumServer.launch --> is used to run SeleniumServer

Those files : *.launch are eclipse's configuration files, they was created for sharing configurations purpose. People using Eclipse can create theirself those *.launch files (Choose Run As --> Run Configuration...). So we can remove them, and update the Readme.txt file (guide how to create launch for running selenium in Eclipse)

Problem with m2e eclipse plugin with *.laungh files can be found here :

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Peter Palaga <> wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

As I imported gatein-portal into my Eclipse workspace, my m2e (an
Eclipse plugin) has by itself inserted the following two lines into the
two *.launch files under

<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_PROVIDER"
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.SOURCE_PATH_PROVIDER"

I would like to learn what should happen with these changes. Yes, I
could surely tell git to never commit it somehow but generally, would it
not be better not to have IDE-specific files commited to scm?


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