see below...
during the EPP5 ER3 testing I found following issues which are also
present in trunk version of GateIn:
- Dashboard - link Add gadget is present only for root user. It means
that I can't edit Dashboard under other user than root, I tried it under
john, mary, demo and new registered user. I think that all user should
be able to edit its dashboards (because it is personal page - not
- Application registry - When I edit display name of portlet in
Application registry, in menu on left side is displayed this name
converted to camel-case, but in tooltip there is correct (not converted)
display name.
I also attach screens for better understanding.
I want to ask if there is some reason for this behavior or is it a bug?
I'm going to create jiras for that.
Thanks in advance for reply.
Michal Vanco
gatein-dev mailing list