
On 20 September 2010 20:27, Julien Viet <julien@julienviet.com> wrote:

I have just released PC 2.2.0-Beta02 which includes a couple of minor updates for GateIn:

1/ fix an odd behavior on PortletURL#getParameterMap() that was previously returning a copy of the state, now it returns the original (that is still safe of values, so doing parameterMap.get("foo")[0] = null does not affect the original value, the String[] values are still copied as required by the spec). I think the previous behavior was not correct (as one of the goal of the parameter map returned is the capability to call the clear operation on the map to reset the URL. The spec and the API does not make any mention of this. I added a unit test for that.

the fix could be applied to both RenderURL and ActionURL implementation, now I see it has just been fixed in the RenderURL only

2/ implement the propagation of BaseURL properties, for now they were noops but as it was not used it was OK. Now they are propagated with a new method on the PC API ContainerURL#getProperties() which returns a Map<String, String> of the properties.

Both are for GateIn and the current navcontroller branch at the moment and will be merged later. The 1/ makes easy to "reset" and reuse a PortletURL, the 2/ makes easy to declare an URL as ajax with setProperty("ajax", "true") that will instruct GateIn to wrap the URL with "ajaxGet".


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Tran The Trong
eXo Platform SEA