Hi Matt,

I currently work with Julien Viet on WCI to deploy him on tomcat7.
I've changed the cargo version from 1.0.1-alpha2 to 1.0.3 (tomcat7 support + bugfix).
Since the 1.0.3 version (In the 1.0.2 version it's work fine), cargo can't deploy on jboss51.

According to this documentation http://cargo.codehaus.org/JBoss+Remote+Deployer, I'd added the 2 dependencies cargo-core-tools-jboss-deployer-5.1-and-onwards
and jboss-profileservice-spi.
Some classes still cannot be found (for instance : org.jboss.aop.proxy.MarshalledInterfaceProxy).

You can look that here : http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/gatein/components/wci/branches/adf/

It is a bug in cargo or missing other dependencies ?

Alain Defrance.