@Peter : I mean you can ignore changes made by eclipse on those *.laungh files. We will remove them and update doc soon
Hi all, there are 2 ways to run selenium tests: use maven or run as JUnit test in Eclipse (details in testsuite/selenium-snifftests/Readme.txt)If you want to run it in eclipse:gatein-selenium-GenerateSniffTests.launch --> is used to run SeleniumTestCaseGenerator class to generate SeleneseTestCasegatein-selenium-StartSeleniumServer.launch --> is used to run SeleniumServerThose files : *.launch are eclipse's configuration files, they was created for sharing configurations purpose. People using Eclipse can create theirself those *.launch files (Choose Run As --> Run Configuration...). So we can remove them, and update the Readme.txt file (guide how to create launch for running selenium in Eclipse)Problem with m2e eclipse plugin with *.laungh files can be found here : http://www.subshell.com/en/subshell/blog/article-Changing-from-m2eclipse-to-m2e-Eclipse-Indigo100.htmlOn Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Peter Palaga <ppalaga@redhat.com> wrote:Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I imported gatein-portal into my Eclipse workspace, my m2e (an
Eclipse plugin) has by itself inserted the following two lines into the
two *.launch files under
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_PROVIDER"
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.SOURCE_PATH_PROVIDER"
I would like to learn what should happen with these changes. Yes, I
could surely tell git to never commit it somehow but generally, would it
not be better not to have IDE-specific files commited to scm?
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