For these tests it seemed like the bottleneck was with lucene. IndexWriter.addDocument for test using 1.14 took 18s while test using 1.15 took 58s for 500 pages. DB's used were hsqldb and h2.

I don't think it's a very common use case obviously to be saving 500 pages; however, the issue came up when I was testing our import which can do a fair share of reads and writes. However with this scenario the bottleneck seemed to be with h2 and the fact CQJDBCStorageConnection.traverseQPath takes quite awhile for h2. Switching to postgres this call is irrelevant and import performance seems comparable to before.

Since it seems we've switched to h2 for GateIn on as7 (which was news to me), I'm wondering if there are some optimization's that can be done similar to what has been done with HSQLDB.

I will note however, I never saw the h2 traverseQPath bottleneck when running the either Matt's tests or my own (which were very similar).

- Nick

On 10/19/2012 05:33 AM, Nicolas Filotto wrote:
Which db do you use?
How many threads do you have?
Can you profile to see where is actually coming from? 

Finally, is it something that you need to do very frequently? because as you probably know in term of perfs is rarely possible to be better whatever the use case so it is important to focus on most frequent use cases only

If it is critical as it is very frequently used, please create a JIRA issue in JCR project

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Matt Wringe <> wrote:
I am looking into some performance issues, and I am seeing some
performance degradation when calling between JCR 1.14
and 1.15.

I created a simple test which loads a number of pages using the page
service and then does a at the end
Note: the only difference I am doing between the tests is changing the
jcr version and adding a lucene dependency for the older 1.14, all the
configuration files and such are the same.

When using JCR 1.15 versus 1.14, I am seeing about a 30% difference
below 300 pages, and then it takes over twice as long when dealing with
400+ pages. Link to spreadsheet data:

Is expected to be slower with JCR 1.15 (a trade-off for
some performance gain somewhere else) or is there something which needs
to be done differently when using datastorage and jcr 1.15? or maybe my
test is completely wrong :)


Matt Wringe
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