Hi team,
While exploring the entire Portal last week I built it's Information Architecture Blueprint [1]. 
By looking at it is possible to realize the size of the Portal and also some Pages/Navigation trees that are repeated in different places.
Here are the Legend:
- Female icon: Mary, the user
- Green Male icon: John, the manager
- Blue Male icon: Root, the administrator
- (P): Page
- (M): Modal page (also know as pop-up)
- (A): Action
- (T): Tab or similar (e.g. left menu)
- (G): Group of elements
- (W): Wizard step

Right now I'm more focused on the Admin Part. So attached is a second IA Blueprint [2] containing only the Admin's exclusive actions. I realized that his only exclusive section is under Group > Administration. Most of the other managing pages can also be edited by the Manager. 

Thomas and Bolek, when you talk about a better organization for the Admin are you talking about only the Administration part or also the Manager's pages?

This is a first version of this IA. Please let me know if something is wrong or misrepresented. 

Thank you,