Minh Hoang TO updated GTNPORTAL-1975:
Original Estimate: 4 hours
Remaining Estimate: 4 hours
Labels: Alfresco NullPointerException Portlet portal-s60 (was: Alfresco
NullPointerException Portlet)
JSR168 compliant Portlet throws NullPointerException
Project: GateIn Portal
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Common integration
Affects Versions: 3.1.0-GA
Environment: JBoss EPP 5.1.0, Alfresco Community 3.4.d, Alfresco Share Portlets
Reporter: Georg Fleischer
Labels: Alfresco, NullPointerException, Portlet, portal-s60
Attachments: stacktrace.txt
Original Estimate: 4 hours
Remaining Estimate: 4 hours
I have encountered a problem with a portlet for the Enterprise Content Management System
They provide a portlet "Alfresco Share Repository Browser" which throws an
exception in the portal.
I have informed Alfresco about this issue, but they only use the JSR168 compliant API.
So they advised me to forward this issue to JBoss, since the NPE is coming from Gatein.
The original issue was published on the Alfresco issue tracker:
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