I guess the answer would be "Yes! Definitely" to all of them.
I've heard about GSOC 2 years ago, but I guess I was too much of a novice back then. This is the first year I've actually applied, and it would be a tremendous attitude booster if I get selected. ;)
And yes of course, the money. The amount is actually quite a lot for someone from India like me. Basically it would cover my entire 4 year Engineering Education Tuition Fee!
And to actually work with the JBoss community, that would really look good on my resume. " I've worked on a GSOC project for JBoss " would sound real cool when going for a professional interview anywhere.
Sai Teja J.
Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
community? �Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to figure out
dishonest people)
a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
Open Source ecosystem?