Hi Anil,
I would really like to be part of Jboss community actively. Here in Argentina I don't see that being part of the community is spreaded enough, so this is not only a great oportunity for my resume, but for people that can become interested in helping an participating. I am sure students in my university will be motivated to participate next year in GSOC if they see everyone can help in a community and good things can be done.
I also think the money is a great atraction, but of course after GSOC I will continue being part of the community and specially of my two favourites projects: jBPM and Drools. Every time I participated in forums, irc, etc, the community has shown me that this is the way to go, helping others and making projects grow!
I guess it answers all your questions with a big "yes!".
Hi gsoc students,
soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
While there will be a few happy students, there will be many students
who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of gsoc is
always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much excitement
among both the mentors and students.
Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
their proposals.
Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to figure out
dishonest people)
a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
Open Source ecosystem?
I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your proposal
is rejected.
"I am looking for passion for open source."
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