On 8 Aug 2012, at 18:35, Anil Saldhana wrote:

Hi mentors,
  to pitch all the great work you have done, GSOC is letting many of the organizations to highlight what they did this summer. We are one of the orgs that have been given the opportunity.

Here is what they sent us:
I hope you are having a great summer and your students are doing well in the Google Summer of Code. Last year we ran a series of blog posts featuring the orgs participating in GSoC and we'd like to do a similar series this year.

 A couple of sample posts from last year are below:

Now that we are nearing the end of Google Summer of Code we thought maybe we would ask that an org admin/mentor for each of the new org write up a little post about the goals of their org and the projects that their students worked on this summer.  If you have a special story you'd like to share about your students that would be nice too.  Again these don't need to be long just a couple of paragraphs as we will combine 3-4 orgs into each blog post. Thanks.
Here are some of the blogs I wrote during the program:

I also plan to write a more exhaustive one during the final release which is scheduled for next Wen (15 Aug) - I'll keep you posted.