Hi Sanne,

I got it. Thanks for the explanation.

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@hibernate.org> wrote:
Hi Tharindu,
no, no worries, the two of you are going to work independently on different quickstarts, as your proposals are focusing on different use cases so they will need different examples.

I'll be in touch with Manik, your mentor, and we will make sure that we stay on track on differently enough topics, so to produce two sets of great examples with an independent storyline.
Hope that makes sense?


On 30 May 2013 18:43, Tharindu Jayasuriya <djtharindu@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Anil/Manik/Sanne,

There are two "JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate projects" selected I have list it below. One is mine and other is by�Dimitrios Zakas.

4. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Dimitrios Zakas
Mentor: Sanne G

5. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Tharindu Jayasuriya
Mentor: Manik Surtani

I was hoping to do following three Quickstarts. I was hoping to do all the three. Since there are two guys doing the same project topic do I need to discuss with the other student and do different Quickstarts. I have a bit of confusion on this please provide me advice on this.

66 Hibernate SearchDemonstrates doing a full text search of your entities hibernate-search ?????? ??????
67 Clustered Hibernate Search Clustered Demonstrates doing a full text search of your entities, with clustering enabled, storing the index in Infinispan hibernate-search-clustered??? ??? ??????
68 Multitenancy for Hibernate and JPA Demonstrates multitenancy using Hibernate and JPA hibernate-multitenancy??? ???

Tharindu Jayasuriya�

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Today's Topics:

� �1. Congratulations to the students accepted to JBoss Community
� � � GSOC 13 program (Anil Saldhana)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:40:52 -0500
From: Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>
Subject: [gsoc] Congratulations to the students accepted to JBoss
� � � � Community GSOC 13 program
To: gsoc@lists.jboss.org
Message-ID: <51A62184.8020705@redhat.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Hi All,

I would like to congratulate the students who have been accepted. I
would like to thank the students whose proposals we
could not accept due to the limited number of slots (8 this year) allocated.

1. Arquillian Android Native Extensions.
Student: Aleksey Shilin
Mentor: Aslak Knutsen

2. Improved Ceylon support for the JS-VM Ecosystem
Student: Corbin Uselton
Mentor: Enrique Zamudio

3. Integration and functional testing of native Android applications on
Arquillian testing platform
Student: Stefan Miklosovic
Mentor: Aslak Knutsen

4. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Dimitrios Zakas
Mentor: Sanne G

5. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Tharindu Jayasuriya
Mentor: Manik Surtani

6. Support for the Gradle build system as a plugin for Forge
Student: Adam Wy?uda
Mentor: Lincoln Baxter, III

7. Support Forge 2.0 in IntelliJ IDEA and Netbeans
Student: Andrei Simionescu
Mentor: Lincoln Baxter, III

8. The chart component for RichFaces
Student: Luk?? Macko
Mentor: Brian Leathem

The mentors and the students should start communicating/charting out the



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End of gsoc Digest, Vol 8, Issue 6

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