Hi Anil/Manik/Sanne,

There are two "JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate projects" selected I have list it below. One is mine and other is by�Dimitrios Zakas.

4. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Dimitrios Zakas
Mentor: Sanne G

5. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Tharindu Jayasuriya
Mentor: Manik Surtani

I was hoping to do following three Quickstarts. I was hoping to do all the three. Since there are two guys doing the same project topic do I need to discuss with the other student and do different Quickstarts. I have a bit of confusion on this please provide me advice on this.

66 Hibernate SearchDemonstrates doing a full text search of your entities hibernate-search ?????? ??????
67 Clustered Hibernate Search Clustered Demonstrates doing a full text search of your entities, with clustering enabled, storing the index in Infinispan hibernate-search-clustered??? ??? ??????
68 Multitenancy for Hibernate and JPA Demonstrates multitenancy using Hibernate and JPA hibernate-multitenancy??? ???

Tharindu Jayasuriya�

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Today's Topics:

� �1. Congratulations to the students accepted to JBoss Community
� � � GSOC 13 program (Anil Saldhana)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 10:40:52 -0500
From: Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>
Subject: [gsoc] Congratulations to the students accepted to JBoss
� � � � Community GSOC 13 program
To: gsoc@lists.jboss.org
Message-ID: <51A62184.8020705@redhat.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Hi All,

I would like to congratulate the students who have been accepted. I
would like to thank the students whose proposals we
could not accept due to the limited number of slots (8 this year) allocated.

1. Arquillian Android Native Extensions.
Student: Aleksey Shilin
Mentor: Aslak Knutsen

2. Improved Ceylon support for the JS-VM Ecosystem
Student: Corbin Uselton
Mentor: Enrique Zamudio

3. Integration and functional testing of native Android applications on
Arquillian testing platform
Student: Stefan Miklosovic
Mentor: Aslak Knutsen

4. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Dimitrios Zakas
Mentor: Sanne G

5. JBoss AS Quickstarts: Hibernate
Student: Tharindu Jayasuriya
Mentor: Manik Surtani

6. Support for the Gradle build system as a plugin for Forge
Student: Adam Wy?uda
Mentor: Lincoln Baxter, III

7. Support Forge 2.0 in IntelliJ IDEA and Netbeans
Student: Andrei Simionescu
Mentor: Lincoln Baxter, III

8. The chart component for RichFaces
Student: Luk?? Macko
Mentor: Brian Leathem

The mentors and the students should start communicating/charting out the



gsoc mailing list

End of gsoc Digest, Vol 8, Issue 6