Hi all,

I am currently working on the Hawkular Metrics repository as part of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program and this is to update the progress of my project.

As of now, the git repo on my github profile dedicated to implement a simple plugin interface using 5 basic statistical algorithms has been updated. 5�standard functions�implemented here are�-�
  1. Minimum�of the entered data set.
  2. Maximum�of the entered data set.
  3. Average�of the entered data set.
  4. Mode�of the entered data set.
  5. Standard Deviation�of the entered data set.
The link to this git repo is �- https://github.com/Akki5/hawkular_plugin

The work done since last update of the project includes -�
  1. This project now uses maven to build the project and works on several submodules. There exists individual submodule per plugin for each standard function.�
  2. The project makes use of PluginClassLoader.java to load all the classes implementing StatisticalAlgo.
  3. It asks the input from user as to which plugin is to be used. It then computes and displays the desired result.
  4. PluginDemoTest.java is the test class. This class tests all the plugins at once and also different plugins individually. This increases the reliability and accuracy of the test class.
  5. All the desired jar files get compiled and packaged at one place.
Aakarsh Agarwal