Hi Everyone!

My name is Marcos Roriz, I'm a grad (PhD) student @ PUC-Rio ('the university that created lua :-)') in Brazil. I'm working with distributed computing, more specifically with mobile computing.

I'm very interested in working with ShrinkWrap, I have participated in the GSOC 2011 edition, where I worked with the GNU project. I'm gonna be honest, I don't have enough knowledge about ShrinkWrap yet! But I think it's a facinating project. I'm really interested on participating in this year edition. I'm interested in the idea (that you guys listed) to allow shrinkwrap
to export to RPM, ISO, RAR, BZIP (maybe DEB?) formats.

I already emailed mr. Andrew Lee Rubinge, the potential mentor for this project. I hope can I be usefull :-);

Thanks in advance everyone,

Marcos Roriz
Mestrando em Ci�ncia da Computa��o - UFG
Bacharel em Ci�ncia da Computa��o - UFG

Home Page: http://www.inf.ufg.br/~marcosjunior
E-mail: marcosjunior@inf.ufg.br / marcosrorizinf@gmail.com