Hi Anil,

My proposal has not been selected in gsoc but I would like to continue with Jboss. I have accepted full time summer internship but I am very interested in doing open source project simultaneously.

Is there any eligibility criteria or certain procedure to contribute to Jboss outside gsoc.
What are the projects for other students to complete?

Minal Bhadale

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:33 PM, Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Students,
� Google (GSOC) has announced the 1200+ students accepted into the GSOC
2012 program.

Your mentor will soon contact you, if you are accepted.

If your application is rejected, I will be interacting with you soon,
about your continued participation with JBoss Community. As mentioned in
the other email thread (what excites the gsoc students?), �I view this
program as an opportunity to extend the collaboration of JBoss Community
with students for a life long association with Open Source. We want you
to have jboss.org on your resumes for a long long time in your software

We were provided 8 slots by GSOC and we had to pick and choose. It was
extremely hard to choose. I feel quite sad about the rejections, since
almost all of you applied exclusively to JBoss Community and we were
short of official slots. It is exciting that we have 8 students
participating, but we will not forget those who are unable.

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