To the list...
On 04/21/2012 08:36 PM, Ognjen Bubalo wrote:
Dear Mr. Saldhana,
There are several reasons I would like to participate.
The feeling that I only need a computer and an internet connection
to create something useful and that I can work with such an
unselfish people are the main reasons I am interested in open
source projects.
Of course, money would be a big help. Here in Hungary the
situation is not too good and if I want to be sure about my future
I have to build a strong resume. This motivates me a lot, GSoS
with JBoss would be a perfect start. I am lucky that my mentor is
Jonathan Fuerth. He spared no effort to help me, and there are
others in JBoss community who were very helpful. It would be an
honor working with them, also it gives me a huge motivation that
the realization of this project is long waited. So with or without
GSoC I would like to continue the project.
I really hope that I am allowed to continue. Thank you!
Best regards,
2012/4/20 Anil Saldhana
Hi gsoc students,
soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and
rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement,
disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may
Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
While there will be a few happy students, there will be many
who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of
gsoc is
always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much
among both the mentors and students.
Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who
put in
their proposals.
Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to
figure out
dishonest people)
a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your
d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss
Open Source ecosystem?
I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you
continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your
is rejected.
"I am looking for passion for open source."