Hi all,
I started a cassandra cluster with:
> ccm create test -v 2.2.6 -n 1 -s && ccm start test

and then I tried to start the service with:
> ./dist/target/hawkular-services-dist-0.0.3.Final-SNAPSHOT/bin/standalone.sh
And it showed the warning and I checked the sever status at localhost:8080.
It said that inventory is unavailable.

WARN  [org.hawkular.inventory.cdi] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 69) HAWKINV003501: Inventory backend failed to initialize in an attempt 14 of 15 with message: Could not instantiate implementation: com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.cassandra.thrift.CassandraThriftStoreManager.

Anyone who has encountered this?
