Hello Hassnan,

For a standalone alerting service you don't need to install the full Hawkular Services. Installing the Hawkular Alerting component could be enough.

Also, the master branch hosts the version 2.x that doesn't depend on cassandra, so, installation should be easy.

There are some docker images for hawkular alerting, but those are just for pure demo purposes, so I would recommend to build the project, getting familiar with the examples and personalize with your scenario.


Note that this component is not under active development but if it is interesting to you, feel free to send your PRs or suggestions.

Lucas Ponce

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 10:09 PM, Hassnan Khan <hassnankhan@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Hassnan Khan and I work at Fandango in the NOC department. We use an ELK stack to process our logs into readable data that we see on Kibana (4.6.4) / ElasticSearch 2.4.x. We've been trying to get a standalone alerting system and haven't had much luck. I came across Hawkular Services + Alerts and thought this is something we could possibly use. 

Unfortunately, we haven't been able to install it successfully. We've tried all the installation guides on github + hawkular blogs and keep getting an error when trying to connect to Cassandra even though it is obviously running. 

Is there any tips you can give on successfully installing the suite? 

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