On May 4, 2016, at 4:00 PM, Jay Shaughnessy <jshaughn@redhat.com> wrote:


On 5/4/2016 10:03 AM, Stefan Negrea wrote:

  1. Schema Management Tools

    • First release with tooling for schema change management
    • Only upgrades are supported; incremental schema changes are installed when Hawkular Metrics starts
    • Going forward new versions of Hawkular Metrics can be installed without the need to start with a fresh database or manually update existing database even if the schema has been modified in the new version
    • For more details: HWKMETRICS-361, Cassalog

Are these tools useful for other components using the same cassandra instance for their own schemas?  For example, can Hawkular Alerting leverage this to perform updates to its schema?

Yes, Cassalog can be used in other projects. It is not dependent on Hawkular Metrics in any way. There are things that we discussed and decided in HWKMETRICS-361 in terms of how to manage schema changes across versions. It boils down more to coming up with a process as opposed to a bunch of code changes.