Well, in details it means that is trying to write/delete at same key and it failed, and then probably the indexmanager was not updated.Did you get that trace also in the server.log as well ?On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 6:25 PM, Lucas Ponce <lponce@redhat.com> wrote:That's interesting.I haven't got that trace, yes, it seems the indexmanager failed, still trying to get the same one.On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Joel Takvorian <jtakvori@redhat.com> wrote:______________________________Some update, here is the latest logs I got while the test failed:I haven't time to dig further today, but see in the middle that lovely stack trace:18:01:59,012 ERROR [org.infinispan.transaction.impl.TransactionCoordinator] (default task-35) ISPN000255: Error while processing prepare: org.infinispan.transaction.Wri teSkewException: Write skew detected on key itest-rest-feed~Local DMR~/subsystem=datasources/xa- data-source=testXaDs for transaction TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: 0:ffffc0a8000c:-5784e282:59f75 acd:b4 status: ActionStatus.RUNNING > at org.infinispan.transaction.impl.WriteSkewHelper.performWrite SkewCheckAndReturnNewVersions( WriteSkewHelper.java:66) at org.infinispan.interceptors.locking.ClusteringDependentLogic $AbstractClusteringDependentLo gic.clusteredCreateNewVersions AndCheckForWriteSkews(Clusteri ngDependentLogic.java:261) I have no idea why it wasn't displayed before, and it is now.On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Joel Takvorian <jtakvori@redhat.com> wrote:I've seen the same error just once (out of 5 or 6 tries), and, coincidentally, had the same error notified "Failed to store notification: {"type":"RESOURCE_ADDED" etc." with "MethodNotAllowed" at the very same moment, that is, just when the testRemoveXaDatasource test runs.That's maybe a trail to investigate, maybe it betrays some server-side malfunction. I don't know if it's possible to see server-side logs during agent itests, but it would probably help. I don't know why this error happens.When I run tests successfully, I also see from times to times this error, but it's distributed randomly in tests, and fortunately or not (rather not), tests pass._________________
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